* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EDT.
8:50 AM
9:00 AM
10:15 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Tony Savard
Research ScientistSaint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre Microbiologist, Tony Savard developed an unique expertise in Canada in the fermentation of fruits, legumes and beverages as well as in the conservation of food and the protection against pathogenic microorganisms. He is member of the Ethics Comittee in Science.1 Presentation in english 1
1:20 PM
1:40 PM
Tanya Copley
PhytopathologistCentre de recherche sur les grains, inc. (CÉROM) A former Centre SÈVE student, Tanya Copley joined the CÉROM team in 2016 to develop research projects on field crop plant pathogens, including disease surveillance and identification of resistance and virulence factors.1 1
2:00 PM
Jean-Philippe Légaré
Biologist-entomologistLaboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotection du MAPAQ Jean Philippe Légaré holds a bachelor's degree in Biology and a master's degree in entomology from Laval University. After his graduated studies on the impact of various silvicultural treatments on the beetle communities of the North Shore, he joined, in 2010, the team of the Laboratory of expertise and diagnosis in phytoprotection of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ). He first had to work on the Iriis phytoprotection image bank, and then became a provincial entomologist. The laboratory team is involved in a large number of phytoprotection cases. The identification of enemies of native or exotic crops, phytosanitary surveillance of Quebec's agricultural land, the transfer of knowledge as well as the contribution to various research projects represent the main activities of the Laboratory.
2:20 PM
Ayooluwa Bolaji
Dr. Bolaji received her PhD at the Université de Sherbrooke and is a former Centre SEVE, Agrophytoscience scholarship awardee. She is currently a Research Scientist at the Genomics Unit of the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) where she uses whole-genome sequencing technology, bioinformatics tools and cutting edge sequencing platforms to shed light on the genomes of novel pathogens in animals and in the wild. Presentation in english
2:40 PM
Sandra Flores-Mejia
ResearcherCentre de recherche sur les grains, inc. (CÉROM) A former Centre SÈVE student, Sandra Flores-Mejia joined the CÉROM team in January 2018. She is conducting research projects on the detection and management of herbicide-resistant weeds.1 Presentation in english 1