General Information
GLP has aimed to organize Open Science Meetings (known as OSMs) for the entire GLP community every 2 to 4 years since 2014 (Arizona 10’; Berlin 14’; Beijing 16’; Bern 19’; and now Oaxaca ‘24). Among the goals of Open Science Meetings are to serve as a place for the GLP community to gather and exchange on progress in the field of land system science and be inspired by debates on advances; build a stronger understanding and agenda as a community to link science, policy, and practice towards transformations to sustainability; and to forge lasting connections with other GLP community members. For information on past OSMs including programs, videos, etc. visit: https://glp.earth/how-we-work/osm.
This 5th GLP OSM (GLPOSM5), to be held in Oaxaca, Mexico is significant to the community for many reasons. As the GLP mission has evolved, the GLP Scientific Steering Committee (GLP SSC) and International Programme Office (IPO) have endeavored to create opportunities to gather that are more equitable and inclusive. Towards this end, we are thrilled that GLPOSM5 will be the first held in Latin America and we are working to secure funding to enable as much cost-sharing for this gathering. Additionally, as the pandemic made in-person gathering challenging, our time together in person is long overdue! While hybrid and remote gatherings have enabled new forms of connection, after careful consideration and deliberation the organizers made the decision that periodic in-person gatherings are essential to the cohesion of our community and we look forward to all that this in-person gathering will bring to all of us.
The event will be held from November 4-8, 2024, at the Centro Cultural y de Convenciones de Oaxaca in Oaxaca, Mexico with the main scientific program occurring from the 5th to the 7th.
The meeting is open to all researchers, students, practitioners from across academia, civil society, government, and the private sector involved in land-use and land-cover change research and policy.
We are currently working on determining registration costs and setting up a tiered structure based on when you register as well as reduced cost for lower and middle income country participants and those in marginalized communities.
Submission Process
Proposals can be submitted through the electronic form on the conference website, following the guidelines in the 'Call for Sessions' section.
The deadline for session submissions was January 8, 2024. However, you can still participate in coming calls!
Notifications will be sent in early February.
The call for abstracts for presentations and posters will be launched in early February at the conference website. Please adhere to the instructions and format requirements to ensure your submission is complete and accurate.
Please be advised that the submission deadline for abstracts HAS BEEN EXTENDED to March 20, 2024.
Notification regarding the acceptance of your abstract for either a presentation or a poster will be communicated to you by April 20, 2024.
Presentation Guidelines
Yes, after acceptance, presenters will receive a guide detailing instructions on presentation formats, lengths, and technical requirements.
Networking and Participation
We are excited to offer multiple networking events such as our welcome cocktail, conference dinner, and various social events alongside our scientific programme events.
Yes! GLP will officially be launching their Early Career Network at the #GLPOSM5. There will be an ECN workshop and mixer the first day of the OSM with more exciting opportunities in the pipeline. Don’t forget to check glp.earth to for news on ECN events in the months leading up to the OSM.
We will be opening an application for travel scholarships shortly after abstract acceptance notifications are sent out. All applications will be reviewed by the Science and Organizing Committee chairs. Please keep an eye on the website and our newsletter for the submission details.
Registration will open on the website on April 5, 2024. Early registration is recommended to take advantage of discounted rates.
The event will be entirely in-person. However, recordings of the plenary sessions will be live-streamed and some portion of the sessions will be recorded and published on the GLP's YouTube channel. Please stay tuned for updates.
Travel and Accommodation
You can fly directly to Oaxaca through the Xoxocotlán International Airport. Additionally, there are options to bus to Oaxaca from other major cities. Please be aware that the bus from Mexico City to Oaxaca takes approximately seven hours. Once in Oaxaca, taxis and shuttles are available to take you to your accommodation.
A range of hotels will be available for our participants. We are working to secure hotel blocks for participants throughout the city.
We recommend booking as early as possible. Oaxaca has become a popular destination as people discover its rich culture and history, making it challenging to find accommodations on short notice.
Yes! We highly recommend arriving early to experience the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebrations in the first days of November. Additionally, we will be hosting a variety of field trips at the end of the conference for interested participants. Keep an eye out on the website for more information.
The Mexican Peso (MXN) is the local currency. Currency exchange services are accessible at the airport, banks, and authorized bureaus.
Travel advisories can change, so please check the latest information with your local embassy or consulate. Most travelers can enter Mexico without a visa for short stays.
Updates and Contact Information
Get the lastest on the conference by becoming a member of GLP (free and open to all!) to receive our monthly e-newsletter with updates on #GLPOSM5. You can also follow us @GlobalLandP!
Once registration opens, we will start sending regular emails to all registered attendees as well.
For further inquiries, please contact the GLP-OSM organizing committee at osm2024@glp.earth.