February 20-22, 2023

Symposium annuel du GRIL 2023

Welcome to the 2023 GRIL Annual Symposium website!

The 32th GRIL Annual Symposium will take place at the Campus MIL of the Université de Montréal!

The 2023 symposium will be a special one because it help us work towards the FRQNT funding pre-application to be submitted in May 2023, with the full application for the GRIL renewal for FRQNT funding in October 2023. We therefore invite the members of the GRIL's Scientific Steering Committee to join us this year.

On this page:

  • Guest speakers from the GRIL's Scientific Steering Committee
  • Important information
  • Preliminary schedule
  • Poster presentations
  • Symposium registration

Do you have questions after reading the information below?

Follow this link to find out who to contact!



The following are the members of the GRIL's Scientific Steering Committee who will present this year (titles and abstracts to come in January):

Sudeep Chandra, Professor, Director of the Ozmen Institute for Global Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, Department of Biology (États-Unis)

Jérôme Marty, Executive Director, International Association for Great Lakes Research (Ontario, Canada)

Herve Piegay, Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Laboratoire EVS - ENS de Lyon (France)

Emily Stanley, Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Center for Limnology (États-Unis)



Registration: Mandatory, see section below.

Accomodation: See this section.

Final program: Will be available in February.



Pre-symposium Student Committee activity (February 20, 2023)

1:00-4:00 pm: The Student Committee invites you to an introductory curling activity in the afternoon! Details to come!

Pre-symposium Outreach activity (February 20, 2023)

7:00-9:00 pm: GRIL will host a public event during which three members will participate in a participatory lecture and several members of our student community will participate in a comic book, fact sheet and blog exhibit! Details to come.

Symposium du GRIL (February 21 and 22, 2023)

Tuesday, February 21

7:30 am: Welcome

8:30 am: Word of welcome - Jean-François Lapierre and Beatrix Beisner, codirectors of the GRIL


  • Oral presentations by the members of the GRIL's Scientific Steering Committee
  • What's new with the GRIL
  • Group picture



  • Oral presentations by the members of the GRIL's Scientific Steering Committee
  • Several workshops for everyone


  • Poster presentations

Wednesday, February 22

8:30 am: Word of welcome - Jean-François Lapierre and Beatrix Beisner, codirectors of the GRIL


  • Several workshops for everyone



  • Back to the plenary
  • GRIL awards and closing remarks

2:45 pm: Move to the SCSA conference for those attending.



Important note: to submit an abstract for a poster, you must first register and then use the same email address as when you registered.

Oral presentations

The 2023 symposium will be a special one because it help us work towards the FRQNT funding pre-application to be submitted in May 2023, with the full application for the GRIL renewal for FRQNT funding in October 2023. Oral presentations are therefore reserved for the members of GRIL’s Scientific Steering Committee..

Poster presentations

Since the symposium is intended to be a time for discussion about the future of GRIL, we also encourage researchers to present a poster of their laboratory's activities in general to enrich the discussions.

Maximum size : 122 cm x 122 cm (4'x4').

Best Posters : prizes of $100 will be awarded to graduate student members of the GRIL who indicate that they wish to be evaluated when they register.

Abstract submission deadline: January 13, 2022



Registration for the symposium is exceptionally free this year for regular members and collaborators. It includes coffee breaks, lunches on February 21 and 22 and dinner on February 21. When registering, please check off the meals that correspond to your attendance to avoid incurring unnecessary costs. Unclaimed meals will be redistributed.

To register, please go to the Registration page.

*Photo credit:
"The joy of being at the GRIL symposium"
Marie-Andrée Fallu, Annual Symposium 2022, Palais des congrès

2023 GRIL Annual Symposium program in PDF format: coming in February!


    Campus MIL - Université de Montréal

    1375 Avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux Montréal, QC Canada, H2V 0B3

    Registration period

    November 28, 2022 - 12:30 AM until February 17, 2023 - 1:45 PM

    Contact us

    If you have any questions, please contact marie-andree.fallu@umontreal.ca .

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