
8h00 - 8h30

Arrival and registration
8h30 - 8h45 Opening remarks
8h45 – 10h15 Session 1: Development of cortical GABAergic circuits (chair Graziella Di Cristo)
8h45-9h05 Sensitive periods for refinement of cortical GABAergic circuits
Graziella Di Cristo |
Université de Montréal

Regulation of neural precursor cell function by GABAergic neurons

Anastassia Voronova | University of Alberta


Control of inhibitory interneuron number and diversity in the developing cerebellar circuitry

Julie Lefebvre | SickKids, University of Toronto


Network activity in the development of inhibitory circuits

Natalia de Marco | WCM Brain & Mind Research Institute, USA

10h15 – 10h30 Coffee break
10h30 – 12h20 Session 2: GABAergic synaptic circuits and plasticity (chair Jean-Claude Lacaille)

Synapse-type-specific plasticity in neocortical circuits

Jesper Sjöström | McGill University


Somatostatin interneuron plasticity and memory

Jean-Claude Lacaille | Université de Montréal


Inhibitory synaptic plasticity in health and disease

Melanie Woodin | University of Toronto


Heterogeneous glial regulation of inhibitory hippocampal synapses

Richard Robitaille | Université de Montréal

11h50-12h05 Trainee #1 selected from participants
12h05-12h20 Trainee #2 selected from participants
12h20 – 13h30 Lunch and networking
13h30 – 15h20 Session 3: GABAergic circuits: cell diversity, connectivity and function (chair Lisa Topolnik)

Hippocampal disinhibitory circuits: cell types, connectivity and function

Lisa Topolnik | Université Laval


Harnessing interneuron cell-specific computational models to understand GABAergic microcircuit contributions and predict function

Frances Skinner | Krembil Research Institute, University of Toronto


Cell-type specific regulation of motor learning by the activity-dependent transcription factor Npas4

Simon Chen | University of Ottawa


Identification of discrete populations of spinal inhibitory interneurons responsible for coordinating mammalian locomotor activity

Simon Gosgnach | University of Alberta

14h50-15h05 Trainee #3 selected from participants
15h05-15h20 Trainee #4 selected from participants
15h20 – 16h00 Coffee break + Group Photo
16h00 – 18h00

Session 4: GABAergic circuits: network activity in health and disease (chairs Sylvain Williams and Elsa Rossignol)


Prefrontal interneurons and oscillations in cognitive and emotional behaviors

Vikaas Sohal | University of California, San Francisco, USA


Revealing the role of interneurons in memory with calcium imaging in freely behaving mice

Sylvain Williams | McGill University


Inhibition, focal seizures and epileptogenesis

Massimo Avoli | McGill University


Frontal interneurons and cognitive-behavioral impairments in epilepsy

Elsa Rossignol | Université de Montréal

17h30-17h45 Trainee #5 selected from participants
17h45-18h00 Trainee #6 selected from participants
18h00 Closing remarks
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