Hearing Our Voices: Indigenous Cultural Safety Training
Registration Filled
Dear NOSM U Faculty,
Thank you to all who have registered and those with interest in the course. The 100 spots have now been filled. Other interested faculty members can register in the course by visiting learning hub website.
Dear NOSM U Faculty,
In support of the recommendations made in the Truth and Reconciliation Report and NOSM U’s equity and diversity strategy, the Clinical Sciences Division, along with the Offices of CEPD, Research, and Indigenous Affairs, is pleased to offer you the opportunity to take "Hearing Our Voices: Indigenous Cultural SafetyTraining."
Hearing Our Voices (HOV) is a self-paced online program with 15 hours of content. HOV improves practitioners’ ability to care for Indigenous people by incorporating culturally appropriate care into practice.
We are able to offer a one time only complimentary registration for NOSM U Stipendiary Faculty for the first 100 interested faculty on a first come first serve basis. Interested faculty should complete their registration to express their interest. Once we reach 100 faculty members, you can still register and be placed on our waitlist.
You will also be invited to voluntarily contribute $50 to support CEPD indigenous faculty development programming as a confirmation of your commitment to completing the course.
Yours in education,
The Clinical Sciences Division of NOSM U
Online event
Registration period
April 20, 2023 - 11:09 AM until April 20, 2024 - 6:00 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact cepd@nosm.ca .