Immigration, Diversity of the Workforce, Precariousness and Vulnerabilities in OSH
Final deadline for presenters to register - May 8, 2023
The organizing committee is happy to welcome you to the website for IDIVOSH 2023: Immigration, Diversity of the Workforce, Precariousness and Vulnerabilities in OSH.
Short description of the event
This inaugural edition of the IDIVOSH global forum will focus on the theme Immigration, Diversity of the Workforce, Precariousness and Vulnerabilities in OSH. The event is intended to pursue the development of research programs related to workforce diversity, immigrant workers and OSH, and to learn from the various experiments that have been conducted around the world. Due to their sociodemographic or professional characteristics and the work contexts that may be associated with them, these workers run a greater risk of occupational injuries or long-term disability.
Target public
- OSH researchers interested in questions concerning immigrant workers or workers from various minorities (including First Nations and temporary migrant workers), and the factors that make these groups on the fringes of the working population more vulnerable
- Students and postdoctoral researchers working with these researchers
- Decision-makers and managers: government ministries and agencies, public organizations, international agencies (e.g., ILO, WHO, ISSA)
- Members of civil society and non-governmental organizations, community groups and NPOs, unions and employer associations, joint sector-based associations
- Improve knowledge of issues related to immigration, workforce diversity and vulnerability in occupational safety and health (including return to work and prevention and interventions related to incapacity for work)
- Develop new theoretical and methodological approaches to better integrate these population groups into research and interventions
- Promote and explore options to develop an international collaborative network for research on these issues
- Identify ways to improve public policies, regulations and OSH prevention or intervention practices to promote greater inclusion for these workers
The IDIVOSH 2023 conferences, oral presentations and poster sessions will address the theme of Immigration & OSH and one of this following topics:
Theme 1: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on OSH
Theme 2: Work precariousness and OSH
Theme 3: Public policies and system factors in OSH
Theme 4: Support for interventions in occupational rehabilitation and sustainable return to work
Theme 5: Social inequalities in work and health and gender issues
Theme 6: First Nations and Indigenous people and OSH
Theme 7: Migrant workers and OSH
Scientific committee
Agnes Meershoek / Maastricht U., Netherlands
Aline Lechaume / U. Laval, Canada
Andrea Cortinois / Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Canada
Basak Yanar / IWH, Canada
Daniel Côté / IRSST, U. Montréal, Canada
David Walters / Cardiff U., United Kingdom
Ellen MacEachen / U. Waterloo, Canada
Emily Quinn Ahonen / Indiana U. Fairbanks School of Public Health, U.S.A.
Janet McLaughlin / Wilfrid Laurier U., Canada
Jessica Dubé / IRSST, UQAM, Canada
Jorge Frozzini / UQAC, Canada
†Katherine Lippel / U. Ottawa, Canada
Laurent Vogel / ETUI, Belgium
Leah Vosko / York U., Canada
Michael Flynn / NIOSH, U.S.A.
Michael Quinlan / U. New South Wales, Australia
Mieke Koehoorn / UBC, Canada
Mircea Vultur / INRS, Canada
Peter Smith / IWH, Canada
Sébastien Arcand / HEC Montréal, Canada
Stéphanie Premji / McMaster U., Canada
Important dates
- Call for proposals: October 3, 2022
- Registration opens: October 3, 2022
- Deadline for submission of proposals: January 16, 2023
- Notification of proposal decision: March 20, 2023
- Early bird registration deadline: April 3, 2023
- Payment deadline for presenters: May 8, 2023
Special publications
A special issue of the journal Work will be produced following this forum. The deadline to submit your manuscript to this special issue is October 2, 2023.
Participants who would like to publish in French may submit manuscripts to a special issue of the journal Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé (PISTES), which is resuming publication. All manuscripts must follow the editorial standards in effect at the respective journal.
Both journals publish only original content. It will therefore not be possible to submit a translated version of a manuscript to the other journal.
Official Program
Workshop schedule for June 12, 2023
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Instructions for Poster Sessions Speakers
Host of IDIVOSH 2023

Grande Bibliothèque
475 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Est Montréal, QC Canada, H2L 5C4Registration period
October 3, 2022 - 09:32 until June 13, 2023 - 18:00
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact idivosh2023@irsst.qc.ca .