Keynote Speaker 1:

Professor Rachida Justo, IE University, Spain

Program Chair for the Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management.

It is this atypical profile that underlies Rachida’s interest in fields like women entrepreneurs or social enterprises. Her work has been published in several academic outlets such as the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and the Journal of Business Ethics, as well as in several book chapters. She has been granted several awards from her research, including the including the “Outstanding award for Best Dissertation” from the UAM, the “Best Women’s Entrepreneurship Paper Award”, from the Academy of Management Conference, and the "Social Entrepreneurship Award for Excellence in Scholarship" from the U.S. Association for Small Business. She also currently leads the Impact Bridge-IE Chair of social entrepreneurship and impact investing and acts as Associate Editor of several renowned academic Journals. Most recently, she was elected Program Chair for the Entrepreneurship Division of the esteemed Academy of Management.

Keynote Speaker 1:

Keynote Speaker 2:

Professor Alfredo De Massis, IMD Switzerland

The world's top 25-star professors for family business

Alfredo De Massis is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business and holds the Wild Group Chair in Family Business. De Massis’s prolific writings include seven books, notably the Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business and Family Business Studies: An Annotated Bibliography, and more than 150 articles in leading academic and professional journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Academy of Management Perspectives, California Management Review, Family Business Review, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Research Policy and Global Strategy Journal.

Keynote Speaker 2:

Keynote Speaker 3:

Professor Shaker A. Zahra, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, USA

Shaker's ongoing research covers multiple industries. These studies, which are conducted in collaboration with several research partners, apply multiple methods and theories and cover multiple levels of the analysis. Shaker's research has appeared in leading journals including all Academy of Management publications (Journal, Review, Annals, Discoveries, Perspectives, Executive, and Learning and Education), Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Decision Sciences, Information Systems Research, Industrial & Corporate Change, Research Policy, Human Relations, Strategic Organization, among others. Shaker has also published or (co)edited 12 books and conference proceedings.

Keynote Speaker 3:

Keynote Speaker 4:

Professor David Audretsch, Indiana University, USA

Ameritech Chair of Economic Development; Director, Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, USA.

David is a Distinguished Professor and the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he also serves as director of the Institute for Development Strategies. Audretsch’s research has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, government policy, innovation, economic development, and global competitiveness. He is the co-author of The Seven Secrets of Germany, published by Oxford University Press. He is the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal.

Keynote Speaker 4:

Keynote Speaker 5:

Professor Herman Aguinis

Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Management, The George Washington University School of Business, USA

Herman was Chair of the Department of Management and Director of the Master of Human Resources Management Program. His research focuses on the global acquisition and deployment of talent in organizations and organizational research methods (i.e., behavioral science and data science). Every year since 2018, Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers Reports has ranked him among the world’s 100 most impactful researchers in Economics and Business. He served as President of the Academy of Management and has been inducted into The Ph.D. Project Hall of Fame. Before joining GWU, he was the John F. Mee Chair of Management and the Founding and Managing Director of the Institute for Global Organizational Effectiveness at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He has also held appointments at universities in China, Malaysia, Singapore, Argentina, France, Spain, Puerto Rico, Australia, the United Kingdom, and South Africa.

Keynote Speaker 5:

Keynote Speaker 6:

Professor Heidi Neck

Babson College Professor and the Jeffry A. Timmons Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College, USA

She is the Academic Director of the Babson Academy - a dedicated unit within Babson that inspires change in the way universities, specifically their faculty and students, teach and learn entrepreneurship. The Babson Academy builds on Neck's work starting the Babson Collaborative, a global institutional membership organization for colleges and universities seeking to increase their capability and capacity in entrepreneurship education, and her leadership of Babson's Symposia for Entrepreneurship Educators (SEE) -programs designed to further develop faculty from around the world in the of art and craft of teaching entrepreneurship and building entrepreneurship programs. Neck has directly trained over 3,000 faculty around the world in the art and craft of teaching entrepreneurship.

She has taught entrepreneurship at the undergraduate, MBA and executive levels. Neck is a Past President of the United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE), an academic organization dedicated to the advancement of entrepreneurship education. Her research interests include entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurship inside organizations. An award-winning educator and author, her textbook Entrepreneurship: The Practice & Mindset was awarded the Breakthrough Book of 2018 by Sage Publishing and the 2018 Most Promising New Textbook Award and 2021 Textbook Excellence Award by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Neck is the lead author of Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach (Elgar Publishing) - a 2-volume series written to help educators teach entrepreneurship in more experiential and engaging ways. Additionally, she has published 45+ book chapters, research monographs, and refereed articles.

Keynote Speaker 6: