November 6, 2024

15th CRCHUM Scientific Day


A major annual event for the entire scientific community, the CRCHUM Scientific Day is an opportunity to hear about the scientific advances made by researchers, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. We are proud to present the 15th edition.

On the agenda: 8 speakers working in the field of metabolism who will share their advances with you, postdoctoral fellows, a discussion panel and a cocktail.

Our Keynote speaker:

Genetics of obesity: Can an old dog teach us new tricks?

Il est clair que l'obésité résulte du fait que l'on mange plus que l'on ne brûle. C'est de la physique. Ce qui est plus complexe, c'est de savoir pourquoi certaines personnes mangent plus que d'autres. Les différences dans notre patrimoine génétique font que certains d'entre nous ont un peu plus faim tout le temps et mangent donc plus que d'autres. Contrairement à l'idée reçue, l'obésité n'est pas un choix. Les personnes obèses ne sont pas mauvaises ou paresseuses ; elles luttent plutôt contre leur biologie.

  • Professor Giles Yeo, PhD, MBE

    Professor Giles Yeo, PhD, MBE

    Professor of molecular Neuroendocrinology and program leader at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, University of Cambridge, UK

    Giles Yeo got his PhD in molecular genetics from the University of Cambridge in 1998, after which he joined the lab of Prof Sir Stephen O’Rahilly, working on the genetics of severe human obesity.

    Giles Yeo is now a Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology and programme leader at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit in Cambridge and his research currently focuses on the influence of genes on feeding behaviour & body-weight. In addition, he is a fellow of Wolfson College, and Honorary President of the British Dietetic Association.

    Giles is also a broadcaster and author, presenting science documentaries for the BBC, and hosts a podcast called ‘Dr Giles Yeo Chews The Fat’. His first book ‘Gene Eating’ was published in December 2018, and his second book ‘Why Calories Don’t Count’ came out in June 2021.

    Giles was appointed an MBE in the Queen’s 2020 birthday honours for services to ‘Research, Communication and Engagement’. He won the Society for Endocrinology Medal in 2022.

Every year, more than 250 people attend this event. Taking part in the CRCHUM's Scientific Day is a unique opportunity to meet inspiring figures in health research.

CRCHUM Research Centre
900 Saint-Denis, Montreal (Quebec) H2X 0A9
5th floor amphitheatre and Agora


CHUM Research Centre, 5th Floor, Amphitheatre

900 Rue Saint-Denis Montréal, QC Canada, H2X 3H8

Registration period

August 26, 2024 - 12:00 AM until November 6, 2024 - 9:00 AM

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