December 6, 2021

JPL Postdoc Research Day 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Postdoc Research Day virtual poster conference!

We are excited to share the cutting-edge science and technology work conducted by our postdocs and their advisors, represented in the following categories:

  • Astrophysics and Space Science
  • Earth Science: Water, Land, Biome, and Carbon Cycle
  • Earth Science: Ocean, Ice, Atmosphere, and Climate
  • Planetary Science and Life Detection
  • Technology, Instrumentation, and Engineering

Please register to view the poster presentations in the Poster Hall.

Upon entering the poster hall, click on the poster image to be directed to the details page. The navigation icons at the top of the page will direct you to view the poster image, figures, and narrated slide or video presentation.

We invite you to engage with the postdoc presenter by clicking on "Contact Presenter" at the bottom of their page or typing your comments in their poster comment box.

We look forward to your visit!


Online event

Registration period

November 4, 2021 - 7:00 PM until December 20, 2021 - 4:00 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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