Session Descriptions

Monday May 6th, 2023

Optional Session (9:00AM- 10:30AM)

Tough Enough to Talk About It- Tracy Golnick

Tough Enough To Talk About It aims to foster a workplace culture of support that reduces the stigma surrounding mental health. This 90 minute presentation increases participants knowledge surrounding mental health through understanding what a decline in mental well being is and how it might appear in the workplace, what to say and do if we recognize a coworker who may be struggling and how to identify resources. Tough Enough to talk About It recognizes the unique culture, demands, risks and rewards of working in trades, industry and agriculture.

Monday May 6th, 2024

Breakout One (1:30-3:00PM)

Tools 2 Talk- Kelly Gallant

Welcome to an interactive 90-minute break out session, Tools 2 Talk. You are invited to engage in activities and discussions aimed at raising awareness of the psychosocial factors influencing our (psychological) health and safety in the workplace. We will offer up a tool designed to help you better understand, talk about, and navigate these factors. We (ESC) hope to equip your toolbox with resources to foster a healthier mental health continuum and empower you to create healthier, more supportive, and resilient work and learning environments.

Understanding Suicide & Why Companies Need to Talk About It- Tammy Monro

This 90-minute session will highlight the importance of recognizing psychological safety and the risks of suicide within companies. Participants will learn about the impacts of suicide including the financial costs and the ripple effects of grief within the workplace. In addition, there will be information on statistics local to Grande Prairie and Northern Alberta and a discussion around what companies can do to support their employees who may be experiencing difficulties.

One Company’s Mental Wellbeing Journey- Dave Nix

David Nix,will discuss the company’s efforts over the past several years to proactively address the workforce’s mental health needs. Post pandemic the mental health and substance use issues of employees and their families have only increased and become more acute. He will discuss the EAP/EFAP strategy, and how the EAP works with HSE, HR and other leaders to build aspects of mental wellbeing into the company culture. We will also discuss how we stood up our peer support teams, tailored to the needs of the different business units. We will discuss how ConocoPhillips has partnered with external resources to decrease stigma, increase access, and encourage those struggling to get care.

Protecting Your Greatest Asset- Lauren Van Ewyk

We typically think that an asset has a monetary value, yet your greatest asset does not have a dollar sign attached to it! However, it might be an asset that has been ignored for too long. Join the National Farmer Mental Health Alliance as we explore strategies to help boost resilience in your farm members to ensure their well-being and to encourage their farms to thrive.

Monday May 6th, 2024

Breakout Two (3:30-5:00PM)

The Emotional Toll of HSE- Kelley Winter

Kelley has attended to many incidents minor and serious in her time and has put a lot of thought into how HSE professionals should be provided with more than just a health and safety certificate in Psychological Health and Safety. We need training and care to deal with employees who may struggle with family issues, anxiety, mental health, substance use, grief, and loss especially when a serious, or fatal incident occurs. We should be able to promote the conversations with all members of a company to ensure the proper resources are in place to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, this session isn’t about policies and procedures, it is about us the Health and Safety Professionals and how do we take care of each other and ourselves when a crisis or we ourselves are dealing with the mental health toll that happens. Who and how are you taking care of you today?

HR's Role in Mental Health Awareness- Danielle Hessler

What is HR's role surrounding Mental Health Awareness? This can be an intimidating question and it can be difficult to know even where to start. Join this conversation around how HR professionals can assist on eliminating the stigma and increasing awareness.

The Art of Communication- Kris Marks

In this session, attendees will be invited to uncover one of the most prominent barriers in addressing mental health in the workplace: communication. A few of the questions that will be addressed in this session include: How we can effectively destigmatize the concept of mental health through leadership and conversation? How we can turn traditionally "uncomfortable" conversations into meaningful action that benefits all parties involved? How to foster safety and build trust when discussing personal matters?

Leadership (Becoming a level 5 leader/ Team Building and Morale Boosting)- Lauren Van Ewyk

Better to Best: Developing a Thriving Workplace: You will learn the essential skills for developing a vision for your workplace in which you and your team members can thrive. Join the National Farmer Mental Health Alliance as we learn to address conflict, develop a work-life balance, and build communication skills are foundational to thriving businesses.

Tuesday May 7th, 2024

Morning Session (9:30AM- 12:30PM)

Full Day with MANDATORY at home module (8:30 AM- 4:30 PM) Mental Health First Aid- Janene Hickman

The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that at least one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem within a year. Too often, though, individuals are not properly informed about mental health or mental illness which can result in negative attitudes or interactions toward individuals with mental health or substance use problems. This lack of knowledge and understanding also prevents individuals from seeking help. The course is structured as follows: Module 1: Self Directed (2 hours) An introductory, online module that lays the foundation of Mental Health First Aid skills and actions. Module 2: Live Classroom (3.5 hours) This session focuses on using MHFA actions for a variety of groups and situations using scenarios of declining mental wellbeing. Topics including substance use, depression, and anxiety are explored. Module 3: Live Classroom (3.5 hours) This session focuses on using MHFA actions to support mental health crises and highlights the value of self-care. Topics including overdose, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and actions, and psychosis are explored.

Understanding and Implementing Effective Employee Assistance Programing- Dave Nix

EAPs can come in many shapes and sizes. A good EAP partner offers much more than just some free counseling sessions when employees are struggling. Your EAP can be a trusted partner in creating a mental wellbeing strategy that supports your workforce. This session will cover how to do a needs assessment to create the Employee Assistance Program that is right for your organization. Many organizations will choose an outsourced or external EAP. We will discuss how you find one that is aligned with your expectations and will support your mental health strategy. We will discuss the ways to build an effective interface with your external EAP partner to get the most out of their services. David Nix has over 24 years of experience in the EAP field. He has provided EAP services in internal, external, and hybrid EAP models. He manages a Hybrid EAP for a large corporation and is currently the President of the Employee Assistance Roundtable (EAR) and is on the Board of Directors for the Employee Assistance Professional Association (EAPA).

Leading with Mental Health In Mind- Kris Marks

Leaders play a vital role in fostering safe, productive, and thriving work cultures for their companies and employees. They also face many unique challenges themselves that often go unacknowledged, as leaders and Human Resources professionals are often viewed as the apex of support within their organizations. This workshop helps to equip leaders with the practical knowledge and strategies they need (and deserve) to not only support their teams, but also to support their own health and well-being in relation to the unique roles and challenges that they face. Participants will learn the benefits of leading with mental health in mind, understand the benefits of being an adaptable leader and communicator, and will have the opportunity to practice their skills using real-life case studies and scenarios. This workshop employs many interactive elements that allow participants to share their input, engage with the facilitator, and build confidence with new concepts in a safe, dynamic learning environment.

13 Factors of Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace- Michael Green

This workshop gives participants an overview of the 13 psychosocial factors that affect well-being in all different types of workplaces and an introduction to the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace. Participants will work in teams to brainstorm current ways the factors show up in their workplace and make suggestions on how to improve.

Science of Hope: Brain Science and Resilience- Careen Condrotte

This interactive training covers topics related to the structure of the brain and the role different parts of the brain play in helping (or preventing) individuals through life’s challenges. Additionally, we examine the role that negative childhood experiences may have on brain development while examining the tools for resilience.

Tuesday May 7th, 2024

Afternoon Session (2:00PM- 5:00PM)

Mental Health First Aid- Janene Hickman

Continued from the morning session

Conflict, Boundaries and De-escalation: Learning to Thrive in the Midst of Conflict- Lauren Van Ewyk

In this workshop, we will delve into the art of conflict resolution, which is a crucial aspect of a successful workplace and healthy team morale. But it doesn't stop there. We will also explore the power of boundary setting and de-escalation techniques, essential tools for fostering thriving relationships. Join Lauren as we equip ourselves with helpful communication techniques, conflict resolution and de-escalation skills and learn how to become a successful leader.

Skills for Tough Conversations- Trish Smith

In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environment, the ability to navigate tough conversations with professionalism and empathy is a valuable skill set. However, navigating tough or sensitive conversations can often be challenging and intimidating. This workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills and strategies needed to initiate and handle difficult discussions in a professional and constructive manner. Whether you're a team leader, manager, or member of a health and safety team, this workshop will provide valuable insights and practical tools to navigate challenging conversations effectively.

Compassion Fatigue & Burnout Prevention- Michael Green

The symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout are hard to recognize and require adequate support to overcome. This workshop will help employers, employees and volunteers who may develop compassion fatigue. Those at risk for compassion fatigue include first responders, clergy, teachers, counsellors, social workers, health care professionals, veterinarians and individuals who are the first point of contact for those going through a crisis or disaster.

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