MOOT 33 NMR Conference
Welcome to MOOT 33 / Bienvenue au MOOT 33
The 33rd MOOT NMR Conference is just around the corner, on October 22-23 at the University of Guelph!
On Friday night, there will be an informal mixer* at The Shakespeare Arms, located at 35 Harvard Rd just behind the Delta Hotel. Come at 6 PM for dinner, or join us afterwards for a drink.
Saturday morning will kick off with a keynote lecture from Professor Isabelle Marcotte, followed by a full day of talks. In the afternoon we will have our poster session, followed by the conference banquet.
Sunday morning will start off with a keynote lecture from Professor Giuseppe Melacini, followed by a half day of talks. Following the talks, we will announce the prize winners for best student oral and poster presentations, with cash prizes generously donated by the Canadian Journal of Chemistry and the Suraj Manrao Science Fund.
All talks will be in Alexander Hall, while the Saturday lunch, poster session, and banquet will be in the Summerlee Science Complex. Please see the conference map for details.
We look forward to seeing you in Guelph soon!
MOOT 33 Organizing Committee: Vladimir Ladizhansky, Rui Huang, James Longstaffe, Sameer Al-Abdul-Wahid
October 23rd Update: Thanks to all participants!
Thanks to everyone for participating in a wonderful MOOT, filled with amazing talks, poster presentations, and many scientific and social discussions. We were thrilled to host you in Guelph. Thanks to our sponsors, it was possible to recognize two of our speakers and four of our poster presenters with awards - please see below for some photos. Thanks also to everyone who helped evaluate posters and talks, and served as session chairs - your efforts helped to make the meeting a great experience for all.
Next year's MOOT will be held at McMaster University. We hope to see you all there!
What is the MOOT?
The MOOT (Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto) NMR meeting is an informal gathering of researchers from central and eastern Canada that specialize in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging. The meeting's main goal is to serve as a forum for students and postdocs to present their latest work. There is, of course, also an important social aspect, with a chance for the NMR community in central and eastern Canada to get together and catch up with each other.
MOOT 33 Photos
MOOT33 thanks the following sponsors for their generous contributions
Conference Booklet and Map
While the conference rate is no longer available, the nearby Delta Hotel is just steps away from the campus.
University of Guelph
Submission period
September 5, 2022 - 0:00 until October 19, 2022 - 18:00
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact s.wahid@uoguelph.ca .