The 2025 MSC-SMC meeting will be featuring leading scientists in the fields of light and electron microscopy and their applications to biology and material science. Their expertise in these topics represents some of the most up to date advancements and applications in routinely used microscopy techniques.
Plenary Speakers
Dr. Frances Ross
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Yuval Garini
Technion, Haifa
Talk Title: Spectral imaging microscopy - from basic science to drug matching
Keynote Speakers - Biological Sciences Stream
Dr. Jörg Stetefeld
University of Manitoba
Talk Title: The dynamic nature of netrin-1 filaments unraveled by cryo-EM
Dr. Sherif Louis
Telo Genomics
Talk Title: Bench to bedside. 3D fluorescence microscopy: a powerful clinical tool for oncology prognostic applications
Dr. Bryan Heit
Western University
Talk Title: A winding road - using microscopy to map the trafficking of MHC II
Dr. Jackie Vogel
McGill University
Talk Title: High speed super resolution microscopy to study events in mitosis and the properties of nanoscale condensates
Dr. Ivan Robert Nabi
University of British Columbia
Talk Title: Nanoscopy powered by machine learning: Novel insight into subcellular structure
Dr. Sabine Hombach-Klonisch
University of Manitoba
Talk Title: Adaptive responses to HER2 targeting therapies fuel recurrences of breast cancer brain metastasis
Dr. Thomas Klonisch
University of Manitoba
Talk Title: Brain responses to laser interstitial thermal therapy (PITT) of brain tumors
Keynote Speakers - Physical Sciences Stream
Dr. Brendan Dyck
University of British Columbia
Dr. David Flannigan
University of Minnesota
Dr. Pinshang Huang
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Dominique Derome
Université of Sherbrooke