ACADIA University Programming Competition Instructions

General Information:
- Event: ACPC 2024 Programming Competition
- Host: Acadia University
- Platform: Kattis (
- Languages: C, C++, Java, Python 3

Problem Details:
- Problems are designed with a single correct answer for any given input.
- Sample input/output data will be provided in the problem statement and as downloadable files.

For Coaches/Faculty:
- The maximum number of students per team is 3.
- To register a team in the competition, email the following information to
- Email the following information to register a team:
1. Name of the team
2. Name of each student on the team
3. Email address of each student (associated with their Kattis account; students without an account should create one at )
4. Confirmation that all team members are registered for the conference

Competition Day Guidelines:
- Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD):
- Any team found to have accessed websites or resources other than the permitted competition platform (contest site on Kattis and official programming language documentation sites) will be immediately disqualified.
- All devices will be monitored throughout the competition to ensure compliance.
- At least one student monitor will be stationed at the back of the room to supervise the competition and ensure all teams follow the rules.
- Teams must take this rule seriously to avoid disqualification.
- Rebooting the machine may require assistance, which will consume competition time.

Help Sheets:
- Each person on a team may bring up to 25 printed pages.
- Each team is allowed to print a maximum of 30 pages during the competition.

Food Policy:
- No food or drink is allowed in the competition area.
- If needed, food or drink can be consumed outside the room in the hallway.

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