Conference Resources
Please download a copy of the draft agenda below! Changes may occur.
Evaluations & Certificate of Attendance
Your feedback matters! Please take a moment to complete your session evaluations!
Looking for your certificate of attendance? You can generate a certificate of attendance using the evaluation link.
Presentations - Day 1
Download copies of presentations that took place on November 4, 2022 below:
Presentations - Day 2
Download copies of presentations that took place on November 5, 2022 below:
- 1. CEPD_Sarah McIsaac.pdf
- 2.1 ICES North An opportunity for research in the north - Dr. David Savage .pdf
- 2.2 Navigating the research landscape as NOSM U Clinical Faculty - Dr. Barb Zelek and Dr. Ed Hirvi.pdf
- 3. NOSM U Update from the President - Dr. Sarita Verma.pdf
- 4.1 Huntsville LEG – Sue Featherston.pdf
- 4.2 South Timiskaming LEG – Amber Sayer.pdf
- 4.3 Sudbury Family Medicine LEG - Dr. Jen Zymantas_Updated.pdf
- 4.4 Sudbury Hospitalist LEG - Dr. Jen Zymantas_Updated.pdf
- 4.5 Lakehead Obstetrics and Gynaecology LEG - Dr. Frank Potestio.pdf