Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Instructions for GLP OSM5 Sessions (Oral & Flash)

These guidelines apply to all oral and flash talks in Research (R) and Innovative and Immersive sessions (N). Check the programme for the time and location of your presentation. The detailed programme is available here. It can also be viewed on the Whova app using your smartphone or desktop.

On the day of your presentation, kindly be in the room where your presentation will take place at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the session. Please check with our technical staff that a copy of your presentation is loaded on the computer. Only presentations provided through the conference submission system (or on USB key drives in exceptional instances) will be accepted for upload. The use of personal laptops for presentation is not permitted.

GLP OSM5 has two main session formats: research presentation sessions and innovative and immersive sessions.

Research Sessions, noted with an “R” in the program, usually consist of Full Talks (10 min + 3 min Q&A) and Flash Talks (3 min). Final session organization (order/timing) and exact length of presentations will be managed by the session chair. Please email or contact your session chair on Whova should you have additional questions about your session.

Innovative and Immersive Sessions, noted with an “N”, are nontraditional conference sessions designed to foster open, interactive discussions and creative exchange. While we recognize that presentations can be a part of N sessions we encourage all presenters to keep their presentations very brief (max 3-5 minutes) and focus on the goals of the session to maximize time for all to participate.

Preparing your presentation:

  • Presentations should be PowerPoint (.ppt, pptx) or .pdf.

  • Visuals for presentations should be in English; if necessary, a speaker may deliver their presentation in Spanish.

  • The screen dimensions are 16:9.

Uploading your presentation:

If you are making an oral or flash presentation, you will need to upload your materials by Sunday, November 3rd, midnight CSTM (Central Standard Time Mexico).

To upload your materials:

  • Go to OSM5 Presentation Materials

  • Enter the ABSTRACT ID of your presentation where indicated.

    • If you don’t know your abstract ID, check your acceptance email. 

    • If you don’t have your acceptance email, you can find your abstract ID by following these steps:

      • Go to the fourwaves event website, and log in using your credentials.

      • Hover over your profile icon in the upper right corner and select “Dashboard.”

      • In your dashboard, select the “Participant” role in the upper left corner, and go to the “Submissions” tab. (You may need to use the drop down menu to select “Submissions.”)

      • View accepted presentation/submission. Your ID will be in the top right corner.

  • Confirm that the abstract and scheduled information displayed is accurate.

  • Click on “Choose File” to select your presentation.

  • Optionally, you may also upload a secondary version of your presentation, such as a PDF version of your PowerPoint presentation.

  • Click “Upload Presentation.”

A confirmation screen will appear, indicating the email address to which a confirmation message has been sent.

File Requirements:

  • Slides: PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) or PDF; max 250 MB.

Please note that the presentation will only be accessible to OSM5 Organizers and not to other users. All rights remain with you.

Downloadable presentation guidelines

Download the presentation guidelines.