October 7 2024 to October 7, 2025

PBSG-ED Modules

Practice Based Small Group - Education (PBSG)

The PBSG-ED Program is a series of modules dedicated to enhancing the educational and supervisory skills of NOSM preceptors and clinical faculty. The modules provide continuing education in a case based format that makes judicious use of the most recent and best evidence available. Within each model, participants are introduced to several clinical cases of teaching and learning derived from the practices of physician or health-care professional preceptors. The cases are designed to promote discussion of challenging issues and dilemmas that are likely to arise when working with learners. Paired with the cases is a current review of the medical education literature which highlights important findings and principles for participants. Critical cases and relevant literature findings foster reflection and provide opportunities to refine skills. This prepares the way for clinician teachers to improve their knowledge on the selected topic along with acquiring new frameworks and skills which can be applied in the supervision of their next learner. There are currently ten modules in the series. Printed materials include a facilitator’s guide which can be used to organize an educational session of 1-2 hours in your community for a group of 5-12 interested preceptors.

Module Topics

*Please view the brochure links below for more specific information on each topic

  1. Assessment of Learner Performance
  2. Conflict Management-Strategies for the Preceptor
  3. Developing Professionalism in our Learners
  4. Feedback
  5. International Medical Graduates: Orienting, Teaching and Connecting
  6. Learner in Difficulty
  7. Medical Mistakes: How to Help learners with Errors and Adverse Outcomes
  8. Preparing for New Learners: Planning and Orientation
  9. Time Efficient Teaching Strategies: Teaching on the Fly
  10. Working Together: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration Among Health Professionals
  11. Teacher as Coach: Facilitating Learner Growth and Development

Ordering Modules

(Please note that module fees are determined by the Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University)

Modules can be purchased per the following fee schedule:

  • 10 Participants or less… $125/module
  • 11-15 Participants……….$185/module
  • 16-20 Participants……… $250/module

These fees include a booklet for each participant as well as an evaluation template, a facilitator guide, and a sign-in sheet. All evaluations and sign-in sheets must be returned to the CEPD office at which time certificates of attendance will be issued to participants.

Note that you will need to submit a “Confidentiality and Licensing Agreement” and an “Instruction for Facilitators Form” at the time of your order, as well as a Declaration of Conflict of Interest Form.

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Online event

Registration period

October 20, 2022 - 00:00 until October 18, 2023 - 23:00

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact mrye@nosm.ca .

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