4th International Conference on Photopharmacology
Join us for the latest in design, synthesis and application of drugs and molecular probes controlled by light!
Started in Groningen in 2017, then hosted in Barcelona in 2018, in New York (by Zoom) in 2021, we are proud to host the 4th installment of Photopharmacology. This event is co-organized by Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy, The State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and Dr Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. The scientific program for Photopharmacology IV includes invited and contributed lectures, as well as a vibrant poster session.
Dr Weiping Wang
The University of Hong Kong
Meeting Themes
Photopharmacology aims at using photosensitive compounds combined with light irradiation to spatiotemporally control their structures and functions. This property allows for the use of light as an external control for therapeutic applications and research tools. Photopharmacology is a multidisciplinary field that integrates chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, which has been emerging rapidly in the recent years. However, more problems still need to be solved for the clinical translation of light-responsive materials. Bearing this in mind, Photopharmacology IV seeks to bring together world experts in photopharmacology to present, discuss, and collaborate between their own areas of expertise. One topic of interest at the conference will be the prospective clinical translation attempts of the light-responsive compounds or materials, which are designed for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer as well as skin and eye diseases, etc. Another topic of interest is the relationship between photopharmacology and photoresponsive drug delivery, which are based on similar photochemistry techniques and application objectives. The design of novel photosensitive molecules with long-wavelength excitation and high responsiveness for deep-seated diseases will be discussed in terms of photochemistry and light delivery. During the conference, emerging photoswitches and photocaging groups that meet these challenges will be introduced. In addition, new strategies on optogenetics, photodynamic therapy and photothermal therapy will be introduced and discussed.
Important Dates
Abstract submission
- Deadline for poster submission is extended to Aug 31, 2023 23:30 HKT (GMT+8)
- Deadline for oral submission is now CLOSED
Early Bird Registration
- Discount rate extended to Aug 31, 2023
Regular Registration
- Close on Nov 24, 2023
Meeting Information
Date: 27 - 29 November 2023
Time: 09:00 to 18:00 (Registration starts at 08:30)
Venue: The Board Room, 1/F, Faculty Adminstration Wing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong

Join us in welcoming our distinguished speakers from around the world.
Nobel Laureate Professor Ben Feringa
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Erick Carreira
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Henry Chan
Hong Kong Dermatology and Laser Centre
Liting Duan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Pau Gorostiza
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain
Colin Hopper
University College London, UK
Jae-Woong Jeong
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
Heath Johnson
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Won Jong Kim
Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea
Petr Klán
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Lele Li
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China
Minyong Li
Shandong University, China
Huiyu Liu
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Qian Liu
Fudan University, China
Amadeu Llebaria
Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, Spain
Sherri A. McFarland
The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Guangjun Nie
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China
Yuan Ping
Zhejiang University, China
Kanyi Pu
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Fei Sun
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Wiktor Szymanski
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Nobuyuki Tamaoki
Hokkaido University, Japan
Ben Zhong Tang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
Oliver Thorn-Seshold
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Gernmany
Dirk Trauner
New York University, USA
Periru Wang
Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, China
Prof. Andrew Woolley
University of Toronto, Canada
Si Wu
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Nobuhiro Yanai
Kyushu University, Japan
Changyou Zhan
Fudan University, China
Yong Zhang
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Guangyu Zhu
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Organizing Committee Chairman
Weiping Wang
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
International Organizing Committee Members:
Professor Ben. L. Feringa (Nobel Prize Laureate), University of Groningen
Professor Pau Gorostiza, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Professor Amadeu Llebaria, Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia
Professor Wiktor Szymanski, University of Groningen
Professor Dirk Trauner, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Andrew Woolley, University of Toronto
Local Organizing Committee Members:
Professor Ying Chau, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Wai-Lung Ng, School of Pharmacy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Hongyan Sun, Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
Professor Paul Kwong-Hang Tam, Vice President, Macau University of Science and Technology
Professor Alice S.T. Wong, Associate Vice-President (Research); Interim Director, Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre; Interim Director, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Ian C.K. Wong, Head, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Aimin Xu, Director, The State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Xin Zhao, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Official Hotel Block
PPIV has secured discounted housing rates for Nov Meeting 2023 attendees at our headquarter hotel, the Jen Hotel by Shangri-la. For room booking please send your request to ppiv@talent-links.com for quotations.

Supporting Organization
Previous Conferences
LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
21 Sassoon Road Hong Kong Island Hong KongRegistration period
May 25, 2023 - 00:00 until November 25, 2023 - 00:00
Submission period
May 25, 2023 - 00:00 until November 12, 2023 - 00:00
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact ppiv@talent-links.com .