Instructions for poster presentations:
Poster presentations will be in the format of a short powerpoint (or equivalent) presentation of a maximum duration of 5 minutes. There is no limit regarding the number of slides. You need submit your video presentation with narration, following the attached instructions, by May 12th. Your video presentation will be accessible to PROTEO symposium participants for the duration of the event.
During the moderated live presentation session on May 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., several parallel sessions will take place. A Zoom link to access your poster presentation session will be sent to you a few days before the symposium. Zoom links will also be available on the symposium website. Each participant will be asked to present their project (via screen sharing on Zoom) in less than 5 minutes, followed by questions from the judges and the other presenters of the session.