Research Team: Martin Lemay, Ph.D.

Project 02 : Dancing in the Metaverse

Research Axis: Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies

Targeted programs: Physical activity sciences or related field.

Keywords: Pediatric rehabilitation, virtual reality, metaverse, cerebral palsy, dance.

See the project (in French only)

Research Team: Martin Lemay, Ph.D.

Research Team: Sébastien Jacquemont, M.D.

Project 04 : Understanding Rare Genetic Variation and Disease Risk: A Global Neurogenetics Initiative

Research Axis: Brain and Child Development

Targeted study programs: Genomics, genetics, bioinformatics or related field

Keywords: Neurogenetics, psychiatry, neuroimaging, genomics, genetic variants, sequencing, cognition, data sciences, programming.

See the project

Research Team: Sébastien Jacquemont, M.D.

Research Team: Danielle Levac, Ph,D.

Project 07 : Intégration des technologies interactives dans la réadaptation pédiatrique de précision

Research Axis: Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies

Targeted programs: Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Speech language pathologist, Rehabilitation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Translational Research, or Statistics.

Keywords: Rehabilitation; pediatrics; interactive technologies; virtual reality; knowledge translation; precision medicine; artificial intelligence.

See the project

Research Team: Danielle Levac, Ph,D.

Research Team: Hélène Decaluwe, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPC

Project 08 : T cell responses in chronic viral diseases

Research Axis: Immune Diseases and Cancer Axis

Targeted programs: Immunology or related field.

Keywords: Viral infection, tumor, immune response, animal experimentation, cytometry.

See the project

Research Team: Hélène Decaluwe, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPC

Research Team: Alexander G. Weil, M.D., FRCSC, FACS

Project 09 : Neuromodulation for motor recovery in children

Research Axis: Brain and Child Development

Targeted study programs: Electrical and electronic engineering, biomedical engineering, biomedical technology, medicine, medical sciences, neuroscience, rehabilitation or related disciplines.

Keywords: Therapy, neurotrauma, medical technology, artificial intelligence, movement, paralysis, neurotechnology.

See the project

Research Team: Alexander G. Weil, M.D., FRCSC, FACS

Research Team: Alexey V. Pshezhetsky , Ph.D.

Project 10 : Genetic Defects of Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs)

Research Axis: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health

Targeted study programs: Biochemistry, Cell Biology or Neuroscience.

Keywords: Murine models, neuroscience, physiology, genetics, therapeutic approach, stem cells.

See the project

Research Team: Alexey V. Pshezhetsky , Ph.D.

Research Team : Christian Beauséjour, Ph.D.

Project 11 : Engineering of NK Cells for the Elimination of Senescent Cells

Research Axis: Immune Diseases and Cancer

Targeted study programs: Immunology, Cell Biology or related field.

Keywords: Senescence, immunesuppression, cell therapy, cancer, iPSC.

See the project

Research Team : Christian Beauséjour, Ph.D.

Research Team: Graziella Di Cristo , Ph.D.

Project 12 : GABAergic circuits role in autism spectrum disorders

Research Axis: Brain and Child Development

Targeted study programs: Neuroscience, computational neurosciences, or related field.

Keywords: Autism, intellectual disorders, cortical circuits, mouse models, inhibition, electrophysiology, high resolution imaging.

See the project

Research Team: Graziella Di Cristo , Ph.D.

Research Team: Vincent-Philippe Lavallée , M.D. , Ph.D.

Project 13 : Investigation of the genetic abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia using a multi-Omic approach

Research Axis: Immune Diseases and Cancer

Targeted study programs: Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or related fields.

Keywords: Genomics, myeloid leukemia, sequencing

See the project

Research Team: Vincent-Philippe Lavallée , M.D. , Ph.D.

Research Team: Gilles Hickson, Ph.D.

Project 14 : Understanding the interplay between the actomyosin and septin cytoskeletons during cytokinesis

Research Axis: Immune Disorders and Cancers

Targeted study programs: Cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics or a related field.

Keywords: Cytokinesis, actomyosin contractility, Anillin, septins, microscopy.

See the project

Research Team: Gilles Hickson, Ph.D.

Research Team: Selçuk Güven, Ph.D.

Project 16 : Use of Machine Learning for the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Speech-Language Disorders in Children

Research Axis: Brain and Child Development

Targeted study programs: Speech-language pathology, Neuroscience, Cognitive science, Psychology, Biomedical sciences, Computer science.

Keywords: Speech-language disorders, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Computational Modeling, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Diagnosis, Intervention, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.

See the project

Research Team: Selçuk Güven, Ph.D.

Research Team: Yosra Cherni, Ph.D.

Project 17 : Neurophysiological and biomechanical adaptations during different locomotor tasks (neuromotor disorders)

Project 18 : A multi-modal approach to identify biomarkers of gait improvement in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy following robot-assisted gait training (Cerebral palsy)

Axe de recherche: Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies

Targeted study programs: biomedical engineering, neurosciences, kinesiology or STAPS, physiotherapy or related field.

Keywords: Locomotion, Virtual reality, Biomechanics, Neurophysiology, Pediatrics, Neuroplasticity, Gait, Robotic technologies, MRI, EEG, TMS.

See the project 17 and the project 18

Research Team: Yosra Cherni, Ph.D.

Research Team: Bénédicte Amilhon, Ph.D.

Project 19 : Sex differences in the molecular footprint of raphe neurons

Research Axis: Brain and Child Development

Targeted study programs: Neuroscience or related field.

Keywords: Raphe, hippocampus, serotonin, anxiety, sex differences, scRNAseq.

See the project

Research Team: Bénédicte Amilhon, Ph.D.

Research Team: Francine M. Ducharme , M.D. , M.Sc. , FRCPC

Project 23 : Biomarker-centred clinical prediction modelling of asthma attacks in pediatric asthma

Project 24 : Real-life effectiveness on children’s health and on climate of new therapeutic approaches for asthma

Research Axis: Infectious diseases and acute care

Targeted study programs: Medicine, biostatistics, epidemiology, pharmaco-epidemiology or related field.

Keywords: Asthma, clinical prediction model, randomized clinical trials, pharmacoepidemiology, new therapeutic approaches.

See project 23, project 24

Research Team: Francine M. Ducharme , M.D. , M.Sc. , FRCPC

Research Team: Nicolas Dumont , Pht , Ph.D.

Project 27: Targeting Stem Cells for the Treatment of Muscular Diseases

Research Axis: Musculoskeletal Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Technologies

Targeted study programs: Biomedical sciences, physiology-pharmacology, microbiology, neuroscience, or related programs.

Keywords: Stem cells, regeneration, muscle diseases, precision medicine, myogenesis, inflammation, fibrosis.

See the project

Research Team: Nicolas Dumont , Pht , Ph.D.

Research Team : Sophie Tremblay , M.D. , FRCPC , M.Sc.

Project 28 : Evaluation of the impairment of cerebellar connectivity and functional impact following early cerebellar insults in a mouse model

Research axis: Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies

Targeted study program : Neurosciences

Key words: Prematurity, Cerebellum, Connectivity, Perinatal insults, Microgliosis.

See the project (in French only)

Research Team : Sophie Tremblay , M.D. , FRCPC , M.Sc.

Équipe de recherche ; Serge McGraw , Ph.D.

Project 30: Epigenetic disturbances and developmental and neurodevelopmental disorders

Research axis: Fetomaternal and Neonatal Pathologies

Targeted study program : Biochemistry

Key words: Epigenetics, embryonic and placental development, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, embryonic stem cells, next generation sequencing.

Team in recruitment (project to be discussed).

Équipe de recherche ; Serge McGraw , Ph.D.
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