November 17-18, 2022

INQ Retreat for Northern Researchers 2022

Programme et documents préparatoires pour la retraite nordique de l'INQ

Vous trouverez ici le programme de la retraite nordique de l'INQ ainsi que des documents et liens qui vous permettront de bien vous y préparer. Nous vous recommandons fortement d'en prendre connaissance avant l'événement.

    Dear INQ affiliated researchers,

    We are pleased to invite you to participate in the biannual retreat of the INQ - 2022 edition.

    This retreat is intended to be an intensive training in northern research intended for professors, professionals and postdoctoral fellows in order to meet their needs.

    This northern retreat aims to equip its members in their northern research activities and to offer a privileged networking space in a safe and friendly environment.

    Objectives and expected results

    The objectives of the retreat are:

    1) to provide participants with guidance for the ethical practice of research in the North and for establishing connections with northern communities;

    2) to propose a forum for exchanges between researchers on the essential elements that define the northern regions and to present a vision of the main issues in northern Quebec (>49o) and in the Canadian Arctic;

    3) to make Quebec's northern networks and expertise known to researchers and promote networking between these people;

    4) encourage knowledge transfer and participatory research.

    The expected results are:

    1) Through conferences and experience sharing during the retreat, participants will deepen their knowledge of the territory in which they will conduct their research.

    2) Researchers will have the necessary tools to interact with local communities when planning their projects, in order to best meet the needs of the population. To do this, we will rely on the sharing of experiences between researchers and on practical workshops. The presence of members of indigenous communities in all modules of the training will provide a more complete understanding of their specific needs and offers.

    3) Researchers will be able to increase their network of expertise in Quebec and the rest of Canada by benefiting from the presence of Quebec and Canadian researchers and partners from northern communities.

    this retreat is organized and funded by the Institut nordique du Québec

    • Institut nordique du Québec (INQ)
    • Gouvernement du Québec - Société du Plan Nord

    Thank you to our partners!

    • Sentinelle Nord
    • ArcticNet
    • Université Laval
    • Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)


    Hôtel Montfort

    1141 Rue Saint Jean Baptiste Nicolet, QC Canada, J3T 1W4

    Registration period

    September 16, 2022 - 10:14 AM until November 14, 2022 - 11:30 PM

    Contact us

    If you have any questions, please contact .

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