May 26-27, 2022

12th edition of the Symposium of the Quebec Network on Drug Research

Cancer Immunotherapy & Learning Health Systems

The Quebec Network on Drug Research (French: Réseau québécois de recherche sur les médicaments - RQRM) is pleased to invite you to the 12th edition of the RQRM symposium, which will take place in hybrid mode over two half-days, May 26th and 27th, 2022.


In addition to network-centric meetings, the various topics discussed will be:

  • Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Access to Innovative Treatments and Care
  • Learning Health Systems

The Sympium will be an opportunity to create meeting points with researchers, future scientists and research professionals in academia, industry and government. In addition, our platform allows you to chat in real-time, whether you are face-to-face or virtual!

You can now consult the preliminary program which will be regularly updated in the uploaded files.


The scientific committee invites you to prepare an abstract for the 12th edition of the RQRM Annual Symposium.

An abstract per RQRM axis will be selected for an oral presentation. Presentation prizes per RQRM axis will also be offered to students who have presented the best communications (poster/oral presentations)!

For abstract submission, please see the guidelines (not currently available in English. Visit French site for the Call).

The deadline for submitting an abstract is Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.
Notice of decision: April 18, 2022.


Although in hybrid mode, the RQRM is keen to continue to offer its students this window of visibility that is the poster presentation session. The poster presentation session will be done in hybrid mode: in virtual mode on the platform and in face-to-face mode in the conference space.

Virtual Poster Presentations

The virtual poster session will take place on the abstracts page: browse the abstracts, choose the one that interests you and join the conversation with the presenter!

The platform:

  • Allows participants to see where conversations are taking place and join them
  • Offers a virtual abstract room for up to 8 participants
  • The presenter can share their screen or use the poster uploaded on their summary page
  • Participants can move freely from poster to poster

In-person poster presentation

The face-to-face poster presentation session will take place in the atrium of the Jean-Coutu Pavilion. Your panel order will be communicated to you before the symposium.


Consult here the most recent version of the preliminary program as well as the call for final abstracts (not yet available in English).


Please find the list of speakers who have agreed to present at the symposium.

  • John Stagg, PhD

    John Stagg, PhD

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montreal; Researcher, Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center and Montreal Cancer Institute and Holder of the Jean-Guy Sabourin Chair at the University of Montreal

    Dr John Stagg is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Montreal and Lab Head at the CHUM Hospital Research Center since 2010. An established cancer immunologist, Dr Stagg cumulates over 100 research publications. Dr Stagg is known for having identified the adenosine-producing enzyme CD73 as a novel target in immuno-oncology for contributing to the develop therapeutic agents targeting the extracellular adenosine pathway. Dr. Stagg is also scientific co-founder and Scientific Advisory Board member of SURFACE ONCOLOGY, a clinical-stage biotech, and co-director of the Montreal Cancer Consortium part of the upcoming Marathon of Hope Cancer Centers, an initiative supported by the Terry Fox Research Institute and its partners to accelerate the delivery of personalized cancer medicine in Canada.
    Dr. Stagg received several distinctions, including the FRQS young investigator award, the CIHR New Investigator Award, the Terry Fox Research Institute New Investigator Award and the Excellence award for outstanding contribution from a new investigator under 10 years of Faculty appointment by the CHUM hospital. Since 2010, Dr. Stagg is recipient of the Jean-Guy Sabourin Research Chair in Pharmacology from the Université de Montréal Faculty of Pharmacy.

  • Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault, PhD

    Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault, PhD

    Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault, PhD. Assistant professor. Department of Microbiology, Infectiology and Immunology, University of Montreal and Researcher, Cancer Axis, Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center

    Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault is an assistant professor at the University of Montreal’s Département de microbiologie, infectiologie et immunology and a researcher at the CHUM research center where she leads the oncolytic virotherapy laboratory since July 2018. Her research program covers many aspects of the therapy, including the design of anti-cancer vaccines and the manipulation of the tumor microenvironment to the benefit of the treatment.

  • Maureen E. Trudeau, MA, MD, FRCPC

    Maureen E. Trudeau, MA, MD, FRCPC

    Chair, pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Expert Review Committee (pCODR) Expert Review Committee (pERC) and Professor, Department of medicine, Faculty of medicine, University of Toronto

    Dr. Maureen Trudeau is a Medical Oncologist, specializing in breast cancer. She is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto and Affiliate Scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute. As former co-chair and now member of the Breast Cancer Disease Site Group in the Program in Evidence-Based Care of Cancer Care Ontario, Dr. Trudeau is involved in practice guideline development. Dr. Trudeau has participated and led numerous clinical trials for breast cancer therapies. She has also been involved with the approval for funding of cancer drugs provincially since 2006; and nationally since 2012; as Vice Chair and then Chair for the Expert Review Committee of the Pan Canadian Oncology Drug Review.

  • Denis Soulières, MD, MSc, FRCPC

    Denis Soulières, MD, MSc, FRCPC

    Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal; Hematologist and Medical Oncologist, University of Montreal Hospital Center and Oncology Medical Director of the Otorhinolaryngology sphere, SANGRE Clinical Medical Director

    Denis Soulières pratique à titre d’hématologue et d’oncologue médical au Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal depuis 1998. Il y exerce aussi des rôles clinico-administratifs en dirigeant la clinique d’hémoglobinopathie et thalassémie (qu’il a fondée) et en agissant à titre de gestionnaire médical du groupe tumoral de la sphères ORL au sein du CICC. Il supervise les activités de biologie moléculaire en lien avec l’hématologie depuis son arriveèe et plus spécifiquement dans le département de diagnostic moléculaire récemment formé. Il détient le titre de professeur titulaire de la faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal. Ses intérêts cliniques et de recherche couvrent 3 axes principaux: les cancers de la sphère ORL, les cancers urologiques et les hémoglobinopathies. Il est activement impliqué dans le développement clinique et participe à de nombreux essais cliniques nationaux et internationaux, certains à titre d’investigateur principal. Plusieurs de ses initiatives couvrent aussi le champ de la recherche corrélative pour l’identification de facteurs prédictifs de réponse au traitement. Dr Soulières a aussi agi à titre de membre du comité exécutif de CCTG (antérieurement le NCIC-CTG).

    Dr Soulières est auteur dans plus de 150 publications dans les domaines de l’oncologie principalement et a co-édité un textbook d’oncologie en 2011. Il est invité à titre de conférencier tant nationalement qu’internationalement.

  • Bertrand Routy, MD, PhD

    Bertrand Routy, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor in Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Montreal; Hemato-oncologist, Regular Researcher, Cancer Axis, Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center and Director of the Immunotherapy and Oncomicrobiome Laboratory

    Dr. Bertrand Routy MD, PhD is a FRQS J1 clinician-researcher, holder of the Canada Research Chair and associate professor in the department of hemato-oncology at the CHUM (University of Montreal). With extensive clinical expertise in the management of lung cancer patients, Dr. Routy directs the immunology/onco-microbiome laboratory of the CRCHUM (University of Montreal Research Center) and the thoracic oncology biobank since 2018. Dr. Routy pioneered the unexpected role of the gut microbiome as a prognostic biomarker of immunotherapy response and the deleterious impact of antibiotics on prognosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. His team focuses on strategies to modulate the composition of the microbiome to improve patient outcomes. He is now leading several microbiome-centered clinical trials. Dr. Routy’s research and expertise in the onco-microbiome field has led to the publication of more than 80 articles, as first and co-author, including a recent paper in Cancer Discovery (Routy senior author), and co-first in Nature Medicine (Derosa, Routy et al.), with more than 10,500 citations and h-index of 33. His laboratory is funded by several provincial and national grants. In 2021, his effort to improve the life of patients living with cancer has recently been awarded by the CRCHUM’s Young Investigator Award, the Faculty of Medicine Research Award and the Early Career Investigator Competition, Gairdner Foundation.

  • Sylvie Bouchard, B.Pharm., D.P.H., MSc, MBA

    Sylvie Bouchard, B.Pharm., D.P.H., MSc, MBA

    Directrice de la Direction de l'évaluation des médicaments et des technologies à des fins de remboursement, Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux

    Mme Sylvie Bouchard est diplômée en pharmacie de l’Université Laval, à Québec et détient également un diplôme et une maîtrise en pharmacie d’hôpital ainsi qu’un MBA en gestion des entreprises, obtenus au sein de la même université. En 2017, l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec lui décernait le prix Louis-Hébert, soit la plus haute distinction pour la reconnaissance de l’excellence dans ses accomplissements professionnels, tout au long de sa carrière.

    Mme Bouchard s’est jointe au Conseil du médicament en avril 2010, devenu l’Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) en 2011, et y a assumé plusieurs rôles de gestionnaire. Mme Bouchard a notamment occupé le poste de directrice du médicament à compter d’avril 2016. Elle est maintenant directrice de l’évaluation des médicaments et des technologies à des fins de remboursement

  • Lori Wood, MD, FRCPC

    Lori Wood, MD, FRCPC

    Medical oncologist, Professor in the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie University with a cross appointment in the Department of Urology.

    Dr. Wood’s clinical and research interests are in Genitourinary Malignancies especially Renal Cell Cancer and Testicular Cancer. She participates in a number of phase II and III clinical trials as well as a number of national research initiatives. She is also involved in all levels of medical education as both a teacher and mentor and supervises a number of students and residents in research initiatives.


  • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
  • Gairdner
  • Institut de recherche du Centre universitaire de santé McGill
  • Pfizer
  • Génome Québec
  • Amgen
  • BMS
  • Janssen
  • Roche
  • Merck
  • Centre de recherche CHU Sainte-Justine
  • Centre de recherche du CHUS
  • Faculté de médecine UdeM


Hybrid event

Pavillon Jean-Coutu, Université de Montréal

2940 Chemin de Polytechnique Montréal, QC Canada, H3T 1J4

Registration period

February 22, 2022 - 12:00 AM until May 25, 2022 - 2:45 PM

Submission period

February 22, 2022 - 12:00 AM until May 26, 2022 - 8:00 PM

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