September 26-27, 2024

12th Symposium RRCancer and MOH-Q

Welcome to the 2024 RRCancer symposium!

The Réseau de la recherche sur le cancer (RRCancer, Oncopole), in partnership with the Marathon of Hope Québec (MOH-Q), welcomes you to its 12th biennial symposium. Once again, the organizing committee is offering a hybrid format to ensure that all RRCancer members (and future members!) can attend the meeting. We will host the in-person meeting in the Pierre-Péladeau amphitheatre at the CHUM on September 26th-27th, 2024.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to RRCancer patient partners who will participate in the conference. Patient partners provide unique perspectives that go beyond fundamental and clinical science.

The conferences will be divided into different sessions on the following themes

  • Preclinical Models, Translational, and Clinical Research (including but not limited to)
    • Model systems, Preclinical research, Bioengineering, Drug repositioning, Biomarkers, and Liquid biopsies
  • Molecular Mechanisms (including but not limited to)
    • Signaling, Epigenetics, Metabolism, and DNA repair
  • Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapies (including but not limited to)
    • Precision medicine, New drug development, and Cell therapy
  • MOH-Q and Multiomics (including but not limited to)
    • High-throughput technologies
  • Learning Equitable System (including but not limited to)
    • Implantation science, Sustainable health, Real-Real-world data and evidence-based research
  • Microenvironment and Environmental Factors (including but not limited to)
    • Microbiota, Exercise, Nutrition, and Viruses

Special invitees

We are grateful to Carole Jabet and Maxime Dumais, who will present the vision of the FRQ-S and Oncopole and have agreed to be part of a panel focused on the future of research in Québec.

Trainees' Presentations

RRCancer student members will have the opportunity to present their work in rapid-fire talks, oral or poster presentations. Not a member yet? Don't worry! You can submit your membership application here: .

Symposium Objectives:

  • To enable the development and training of students, post-doctoral fellows, and medical residents by allowing them to present their research
  • To promote scientific discussion and foster new collaborations
  • To inform members of the major ongoing structuring projects in oncology
  • To maximize interactions between new researchers and other Network members by allowing them to showcase their research interests through pre-recorded video clips and oral presentations
  • To integrate patient partners within our research programs and network

Organizing Committee

This conference would not be possible without the contribution of the organizing committee, co-chaired by Joanna Przybyl and Taha Azad. The members include Julianna Blagih, François Bordeleau, Sonia del Rincon, Lise Gauvin, Luisa Izzi, David P. Labbé, Marilyne Labrie, Jean-Yves Masson, François Mercier, Julia Valdemarin Burnier, Véronique Ouellet, Quoc-Huy Trinh.

Financial support

This event is sponsored by the Réseau de recherche sur le cancer, a thematic network supported by Oncopole, the Cancer hub of the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé, as well as the Marathon of Hope-Quebec, an initiative of the Terry Fox Research Institute. Many thanks to these organizations. Their gracious contributions allow participants to attend free of charge.

Wishing you all an excellent 2024 Symposium!

Jean-Yves Masson (Director RRCancer), Sonia del Rincon (co-Director), Véronique Ouellet (Executive Manager), Joanna Przybyl (co-chair), Taha Azad (co-chair) and the organizing committee.


Hybrid event

CHUM- Amplithéâtre Pierre-Péladeau

1050 Rue Saint-Denis Montréal, QC Canada, H2X 3J4

Registration period

May 15, 2024 - 12:01 PM until September 25, 2024 - 11:59 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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