Jean-Davignon & Paul-Lupien Founders Prize

  • Simone Lemieux

    Simone Lemieux

    Centre NUTRISS, INAF, Université Laval

    Simone Lemieux is a nutritionist and professor at the School of Nutrition at Laval University. She completed a bachelor's degree in nutrition and then obtained a master's degree in physical activity sciences and a doctorate in physiology at Laval University. His postdoctoral studies were carried out in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is a researcher at the Nutrition, Health and Society Center (NUTRISS Center) of the Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods at Laval University and has held the position of program director of the bachelor's degree in nutrition since September 2023. Her research work is mainly interested in the factors that influence food choices, the study of eating behaviors in relation to weight issues as well as the development and evaluation of interventions aimed at improving habits and practices food.

    Professor Lemieux has obtained grants from various organizations to pursue her research and has published numerous scientific articles. Since the start of her career, she has participated in the supervision of nearly seventy graduate students in addition to contributing to the training of several hundred nutritionists.

Pierre-Julien Commitment Prize - SQLNM

Jean-Davignon Young Researcher Prize from CMDO/Novo Nordisk/INMD-IRSC Network

Yves-Deshaies Rising Stars Prize

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