Become a volunteer
Science POP needs you!
There are many aspects to organizing a science communication event for the general public. Would you like to get involved? Contact us at to find out what opportunities are available for you!
Open to everyone and anyone!
Volunteer help only - no salary or compensation will be offered.
Join the organizing committee and contribute to the success of the event!
Responsibilities: oversee communications, promotional flyers, challenge applications, registrations to the workshops and competition, event program, catering service, logistics, etc.
Become a Science POP Master of Ceremony by animating a session, or the entire competition!
Responsibilities: present candidates, manage discussions and question periods, announce the next items on the schedule, etc.
Put your expertise to good use as a member of the jury!
Responsibilities : read submissions, evaluate presentations, contribute to the questions period, complete evaluation grids, etc.
Multiple profiles wanted; priority will be given to members of the general public.
Join the service crew and make sure meals, coffee breaks and happy hour are up to standards!
Responsibilities: prepare service tables, distribute food and beverages, manage crowd circulation, etc.
Behind the scenes
Do you moonlight as a photographer or a multimedia expert? Join the technical staff!
Responsibilities: manage the website, take pictures, film the event, broadcast it live (YouTube, Facebook Live, Zoom, Twitch, etc.), manage the timer and microphones, handle file uploads to the main computer, etc.