About us

About the Research Center of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval

The Research Center is a component of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval and is affiliated with Université Laval.


The Center brings together research activities from the hospitals of CHUL, Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Enfant-Jésus, Saint-François d'Assise, and Saint-Sacrement. It comprises more than 1,000 researchers, 1,500 professionals, and 1,200 students who dedicate their efforts and determination to finding solutions to various health issues through fundamental and clinical research, population-based research, and evaluative research, with the ultimate goal of developing new treatment opportunities.

As the largest francophone research center in North America, it also ranks among the top 10 research centers in Canada, with total funding exceeding $120 million.

Research conducted at the center covers 7 major thematic areas:

- Endocrinology and nephrology

- Infectious and immune diseases

- Regenerative medicine

- Neuroscience

- Oncology

- Reproduction, maternal, and child health

- Population health and optimal health practices

About the Research Center of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval

About the CHU de Québec Foundation


Giving to the CHU de Québec Foundation is helping the doctors, researchers, and care teams of the five (5) hospitals of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval provide better quality medical services.

It's also a concrete way to contribute to research, education, the acquisition of high-tech equipment, and the humanization of care.

As part of its mission, the Foundation must also provide financial support of up to $60 million for the New Hospital Complex (NHC). In an innovative manner, just like the NHC will be in its patient-centric approach, the Foundation will redouble its efforts in the coming years to meet its financial commitments, but above all, to contribute differently to the humanization of care, research, the purchase of state-of-the-art medical equipment, and better efficiency in care team practices.

By giving to health, you become a true agent of change by financially supporting a multitude of equally important achievements. Together, we will accomplish great things. Every donation counts.

About the CHU de Québec Foundation
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