Small mammal cycles conference 2024
Welcome to the Small Mammal Cycles Conference (SMCC) 2024 website !
As many agreed over recent discussions, we are long overdue to meet altogether to talk about population cycles ! Now that we can officially say that Charles Elton's seminal work published in 1924 is 100 years old, the organizing committee thought that it would be a great opportunity to gather as many as we can of those people that have worked and are working on small mammal cycles. We are happy to organize this Small Mammal Cycles Conference at the Canadian Museum of Nature (240, Mcleod street, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada). You can visit the Museum's website here: http://www.nature.ca .
The conference starts on the January 31st, 2024 at 9 AM and will end on the 2nd of February at 6 PM (followed by a banquet). Save the dates and make sure you come visit us with your warmest winter coat !
The SMCC 2024 will be a mix of traditional slideshow presentations with plenaries by guest speakers and short talks given by participants, but we will also allocate a significant amount of time to brainstorming sessions so we have time to discuss, debate and generate ideas. Our objective will be to push everyone's creativity to predict what ecologists of the near future (2050?) will witness and what we should do today to help them have the tools to understand what's happening (e.g. how do we keep doing long-term monitoring? Is the effort and costs still worth it?), and to have the right ecological information for management.
(Updated January 16th, 2023)
Guest speakers
We will have the chance to have four guest speakers who have greatly contributed to the study of population cycles.
Frauke Ecke
University of Helsinki, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme
Pathogens as drivers of population cycles - revisiting the disease hypothesis
Carolyn King
University of Waikato, School of Science
Mustelid-rodent cycles in New Zealand
Stan Boutin
University of Alberta, Faculty of Science, Biological Sciences
Five snowshoe hare cycles and counting: Some answers and many questions
Rebecca Tyson
University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
Rethinking the predator-prey relationship: Multiple predators, seasonality, and the rate of global warming
Gilles Gauthier
Laval University, Department of biology
Are lemmings prey or predators? They are prey, indeed
Tentative schedule (Eastern Standard Time; EST) - All activities will be held in the Hatch Salon
First day (January 31st, 2024)
- 9:00 - 12:20 : Plenary #1, followed by topical sessions, first set of lightning talks
- 13:20 - 16:40 : Plenary #2, followed by topical sessions, second set of lightning talks
- 17:00 - 22:00 (in person only) : Poster session and dining cocktail
Second day (February 1st, 2024)
- 9:00 - 12:20 : Plenary #3, followed by topical sessions, third set of lightning talks
- 13:20 - 17:00 (in person only) : Brainstorming workshop (General idea: We have a century of literature, so what should we expect and do over the next half-century?)
- 16:30 - 18:00 (in person only) : Poster session
Third day (February 2nd, 2024)
- 9:00 - 12:20 : Plenary #4, followed by topical sessions, fourth set of lightning talks
- 13:20 - 17:00 (in person only) : Panel discussion, followed by workshop #2 (we'll also do a wrap-up of the conference)
- 17:00 - 18:00 (in person only) : Poster session.
- 18:00 - 22:00 (in person only) : Banquet, with some animation !
Main contributor of the SMCC 2024
We would like to acknowledge the incredible support that we have obtained from the Centre for Arctic Knowledge and Exploration and the Beaty Centre for Species Discovery at the Canadian Museum of Nature. Without them, this event wouldn't have been possible.

Major partner
Many thanks to Sentinel North at Université Laval! With their stellar support, they greatly helped us navigate through the logistical aspects for organizing the SMCC 2024.

We would like to thank our generous sponsors and partners of this event.
Registrations are now open until January 10th, 2024 ! Fees include access to the conference, coffee and snacks, lunches, and food during the dining cocktail of the first evening. We will not offer breakfasts. Diner on the second day of the conference will be on your own and a banquet is planed for the last day. Fees for the banquet will be charged only to those that will confirm their presence for that evening.
A receipt will be sent to you once you have registered. Alternately, we will be happy to offer a certificate of attendance/participation once the conference is finished. Please, let us know if that is your case by writing to smallmammalcc@gmail.com.
Submissions are now accepted. We decided to extend the period for receiving presentations until January 10th, 2023. The conference is designed to have a single room for presentations to keep everyone together. We will welcome a limited number of oral presentations and will prioritize presenters who have substantial results from well-advanced projects (i.e. presentations with preliminary results will be given low priority). We are planning for 20-minutes talks, including questions, during the topical sessions. Based on the tentative schedule above, we will host 20 short talks during the conference. We will also hold poster sessions and each presenter will be invited to give a lightning-talk (3 minutes) to invite participants to visit their poster. Smaller projects and those with preliminary results are invited to submit a poster with a lightning talk.
Advice for planning your trip to Ottawa, Canada
For participants travelling by bus, train, or car, traffic near Ottawa is relatively light compared to other large Canadian cities. We strongly recommend travel by VIA rail, and then by taxi for the smoothest travel.
For participants who need to travel by plane: In Ottawa, public transit is not the most efficient when comparing to other large Canadian cities as we still rely mostly on buses. Finally, since the construction of the new railway for the light train connecting the airport to downtown won't be finished by the time the conference starts, we recommend to travel by taxi or by Lyft/Uber once you landed in Ottawa (see options here: https://yow.ca/en/parking-transportation/ground-transportation-options .
For non-American international participants, we do not have a specific airline to suggest, but we strongly suggest that your flight goes directly to Canada (and have stopovers in Canada instead of the United-States) for the smoothest trip. Toronto and Montreal are typical stopovers before flying to Ottawa.
Generally, the earlier you reserve your ticket, the cheaper it will be.
There are many lodging options around the Canadian Museum of Nature. We do recommend Sonder Rideau hotel (~15 min walk). You can book your room directly from their website (https://www.sonder.com) and get your free membership for a 15% discount. Then, you can use the promo code LOSPC5 to obtain an extra 5% reduction. Note that it is best to reserve early as prices generally increase over time.
Ottawa may be one of the safest among the large cities in Canada. It is a highly multicultural city and people are highly educated. There is substantial 2SLGBTQ+ community resources (https://capitalpride.ca/community-resources/). Some areas of the city may be less safe due to poverty and drug use, but crime levels remain low even in those areas. It is the capital of Canada and demonstrations may happen in the streets near the parliament, which is near the Canadian Museum of Nature. Demonstrations are usually very peaceful.
On behalf of all the team, we can't wait to welcome you in Ottawa!
Dr. Dominique Fauteux, research scientist, Canadian Museum of Nature
Dr. Pierre Legagneux, professor, Université Laval
Dr. Angélique Dupuch, professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais
We are supported by these amazing students and professionals :
Gabriel Bergeron, Ph.D. student, Université Laval
Ariane Bisson, Research professional, Canadian Museum of Nature
David Bolduc, Ph.D. student, Université Laval
Camille Gaudreau-Rousseau, Ph.D. student, Université Laval
Dr. Mathilde Poirier, Post-doc, Université Laval
Stéphanie Tessier, Collections manager, Canadian Museum of Nature
Hybrid event
Canadian Museum of Nature
240 McLeod Street Ottawa, ON Canada, K1P6P4Registration period
October 30, 2023 - 8:00 AM until January 31, 2024 - 11:59 PM
Submission period
October 30, 2023 - 8:00 AM until January 11, 2024 - 11:59 PM
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact smallmammalcc@gmail.com .