Training for Change, from Science to Practice
Sprint AI Training for African Medical Imaging Knowledge Translation (SPARK) is committed to empowering African data science communities and imaging researchers to develop deployable imaging diagnostic tools that can assist clinicians to provide high-value care and bridge the gap in the medical disparity between Africa and the rest of the world. SPARK is one of the training platforms of the Consortium for Advancement of MRI Education and Research in Africa (CAMERA) offered through the Medical Artificial Intelligence (MAI) Lab at Crestview Radiology Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria and the Multimodal Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disease (MiND) Lab, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Our vision is to transform medical diagnostics in Africa by increasing local capacity in medical imaging with artificial intelligence (AI). We believe that by training a critical mass of African clinicians, physicists, and data scientists, we can facilitate the development of deployable AI tools to improve the quality of healthcare in Africa.
Our mission is to provide case-based training on medical image analysis and the application of AI methods to diagnostic imaging to African data science communities and imaging researchers. We are dedicated to inspiring local communities to develop home-grown medical solutions using AI and providing them with the tools and resources to succeed.
To achieve our mission, we provide a free hands-on training program that implements the RAD-AID, Teach-Try-Use approach and takes trainees through three learning blocks to successfully train-the-trainers and create the critical mass of AI imaging experts in Africa. The first block (Teach) is a virtual six weeks foundational course on medical imaging processing, analysis and fundamentals of computer programming. The second block (Try) is a five-day hybrid (in-person + virtual) hackathon across five or more African countries. The third (Use) block is a 10-week guided practicum on development and evaluation of an AI method for a specific use case.
Each SPARK Academy is aimed at a real-world use case and implements collective intelligence built around a networking space to advance AI capacity and rapid implementation in Africa. Our first SPARK Academy endorsed by The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Society will train African clinicians and scientists to develop state-of-art AI methods for glioma brain tumor segmentation. The first program brought together oncology, neurology & neurosurgery, radiology, medical physics, biomedical engineering and computer science residents and graduate students from across Africa who co-developed informed AI methods for segmentation of brain tumors into sub-regions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.
What we Believe
At SPARK, we believe that education and collaboration are key to advancing the field of medical imaging analysis and developing innovative solutions for medical diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment that encourages growth and development for African data science communities and researchers.
Join our Community
Join us on this exciting journey and become a part of the SPARK community today. Together, we can make a positive impact on the future of healthcare in Africa. Please feel free to send us an email to start a discussion. We would be happy to hear from you and explore potential opportunities for collaboration. Contact us at spark@mailab.io