
Thematic conference

Learn more about our 4 panelists here

Panelists will be revealed closer to the event

Greenwashing and eco-technologies

Morning session

  • Pr. Yves-Marie Abraham

    Pr. Yves-Marie Abraham

    HEC Montréal

    Yves-Marie Abraham is a professor at HEC Montréal, where he teaches the sociology of the economy and conducts research on the theme of degrowth. After having co-directed the publication of de Décroissance versus développement durable : débats pour la suite du monde (translate as : Degrowth versus sustainable development: debates for the future of the world) (2011) and Creuser jusqu’où? Extractivisme et limites à la croissance (translate as : Digging up where? Extractivism and limits to growth) (2015), he recently published with Ecosociety a personal synthesis on degrowth, entitled Guérir du mal de l’infini (translate as : Healing from the evil of infinity). He is also responsible for the specialization in social innovation management within the Master's program at HEC Montréal, where he has been offering a course on "sustainable degrowth" since 2013. Yves-Marie Abraham is also a member of the independent research collective "Polemos degrowth".

  • Pr. Annie Levasseur

    Pr. Annie Levasseur

    École de technologie supérieure (ETS)

    Annie Levasseur is a professor of environmental engineering in the Department of Construction Engineering at the École de technologie supérieure and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Measuring the Impact of Human Activities on Climate Change. She is also Scientific Director of CERIEC, the Center for Intersectoral Studies and Research on the Circular Economy and a member of the Advisory Committee on Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change. She is a process engineer by training, worked for eight years in the petrochemical industry before reorienting her career towards academia. In addition to her research on environmental impact modeling, she teaches life cycle analysis and the integration of environmental and sustainable development aspects into engineering projects.

Forestry and green agriculture

Afternoon session

  • B.Sc. Nicolas Chatel-Launay

    B.Sc. Nicolas Chatel-Launay

    Center of Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (PELI)

    Nicolas Chatel-Launay holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural and environmental sciences with a specialization in entomology from McGill University. He previously served as a research assistant at the Lyman Museum of Entomology in the Northern Biodiversity Program where he studied insects in the Canadian Arctic. He also developed expertise in tropical insects while working as a NEO Fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Research officer at the Center of Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (PELI) since 2017, he provides scientific watch on integrated pest management and provides the Agrobonsens platform, the directory of integrated pest management practices and the producers who implement them. In addition, it provides vulgarization around the various alternatives to pesticides among farmers, agronomists and the general public. Headed by the local development center of Jardins-de-Napierville, the PELI’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of sustainable behaviors and practices in the agricultural environment in order to reduce the use of chemical pesticides across Quebec.

  • Pr. Alison Munson

    Pr. Alison Munson

    Department of wood and forest sciences, Université Laval

    Alison Munson was hired as a professor of forest ecology at the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics of Laval University in 1991. Her research is in forest biogeochemistry, with an approach focused on the functional traits of plants and their feedback on processes, especially carbon and nitrogen cycles. His current obsession is exploring the links between root traits and carbon stabilization in forest, agroforestry and urban soils. She also works in urban ecology as co-holder of the Chair on the urban tree and its environment, with Quebec City.

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