* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EDT.
7:30 AM
9:05 AM
9:30 AM
10:50 AM
Performance: “This is Treatment”
Performed by: Elizabeth Addison (Composer, Creative Consultant, Storyteller, This is Treatment LLC) Description: At this year's "Together For Hope" conference, you will be brought into 30 minutes of Addison's inspiring musical, "This is Treatment." As a full length show, it is an immersive theatrical experience that brings the audience into treatment, which in Addison's world, is a sacred space. The musical is inspired by Addison’s time at a residential treatment facility and aims to entertain, bring joy and laughter, build bridges, heal communities, and helps us understand that sometimes to go forward, we must go back."
11:25 AM
7 parallel sessionsBreakout Session: Demystifying the Grant Application Process
Led By: Julie Burns ( President and CEO, RIZE Massachusetts Foundation. Boston, MA.) Megan MacDavey (Program Officer, Peter and Elizabeth Tower Foundation. Getzville, NY) Amie Shei, PhD (President and CEO, The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts. Worcester, MA. ) Summary: Applying for grants can be challenging, and many applicants find the process difficult. This presentation will demystify the grant application process and make it more accessible. We will break down the essential principles and practices of grantmaking to empower participants. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical examples, we will cover all aspects of the grantmaking journey, including identifying suitable funding sources, crafting compelling proposals, navigating the review process, and building lasting relationships with funders. Attendees will leave with actionable strategies and insights designed to enhance their grant writing skills and improve their chances of success.
Breakout Session: Intergenerational Trauma and the Power of Family Work
Led by: Abita Raj, MD ( Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics Medical Director, Community Healthlink, Child and Adolescent Division, Director, UMASS Chan Medical School Student Counseling Services , UMass Memorial Medical Center/ UMass Chan Medical School. Worcester, MA) Jessica Calihan, MD, MS (General Academics Pediatric Fellow, Boston Medical Center)
Breakout Session: Moms Do Care - How to Start Similar Programs
Led by: Laura Sternberger, LICSW (Director, Pregnant and Postpartum Women’s Programs, Director, Massachusetts Moms Do Care Program Institute for Health and Recovery. Boston, MA. )
Breakout Session: Strengthening the Net for Youth and Families Impacted by Substance Use
Led by: Randi Schuster, PhD (Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Director of School-Based Research and Program Development, Center for Addiction Medicine, Director of Neuropsychology, Center for Addiction Medicine. Boston, MA. ) Mairead Day-Lopes, MSN, RN, NCSN (Director of School-Based Health Center Program, Massachusetts Department of Public Health) Rebecca Butler, MSc, MSW, LCSW (Associate Director School-Based Research and Program Development, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Addiction Medicine) Stacey Lynch, MSW, LICSW (Director, Office of Youth and Young Adult Services, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, Massachusetts Department of Public Health)
Breakout Session: Supporting Clinicians - Fostering Hope in Massachusetts’ Statewide Addiction Efforts
Led by: Massachusetts Consultation Service for Treatment of Addiction and Pain
Breakout Session: The Impact of CORIs on Those with Lived Experience of Addiction Looking to Re-enter the Workforce
Led by: BSAS
Breakout Session:The Intersectionality of Historical Trauma and Substance Misuse among American Indian/Alaska Natives
Led by: Cedric Woods, PhD (Director, Institute for New England Native American Studies at UMass Boston) Teri Arnowitz, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAAN (Associate Dean of Research and Innovation, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing. Professor, Department of Population and Quantitative Health Science, UMass Chan Medical School. Worcester) Chyla Bingham-Hendricks, BSN, PhD Student (UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester) Autaquay Peters-Mosquera, BSN, MBA, PhD Student (UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester) Summary: This session will provide a demographic analysis of the Native population in Massachusetts, and offer a brief background linking the intersectionality of historical trauma to substance misuse. The presenters will then lead participants in an interactive learning experience, actively analyzing and discussing a real-life case study.
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
Plenary Panel: Navigating the Risks of Cannabis Use in Youth and Adolescents
Moderator: Sarah Bagley, MD (Medical Director, Center for Addiction Treatment for Adolescents/Young Adults who Use Substances, Boston Medical Center) Panelists: Safdar Medina, MD, FAAP (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School. Pediatric Director, Tri River Health Center. Uxbridge, MA.) Randi Schuster, PhD (Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Director of School-Based Research and Program Development, Center for Addiction Medicine, Director of Neuropsychology, Center for Addiction Medicine. Boston, MA. )
3:20 PM
7 parallel sessionsBreakout Session: Addiction Treatment in Carceral Settings
Led by: Jen Miller, M.A. (Director of Grants and Innovation, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, Massachusetts Department of Public Health) Angelica Gates, M.A., LADCI (Licensing Inspector, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, Massachusetts Department of Public Health)
Breakout Session: Best Practices for Use of Long-Acting Buprenorphine
Led by: Emery Marcus, MSN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC, CARN-AP (Stanley Street Treatment and Resources. Fall River, MA) Jessica Kemp, RN, CARN (OBAT Program Manager, Brien Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Pittsfield, MA)
Breakout Session: Outpatient Management of Alcohol Withdrawal
Led by: Todd Kerensky, MD (Medical Director, Addiction Medicine, South Shore Health. South Weymouth, MA.) Alyssa Peterkin, MD (Program Director, Grayken Addiction Medicine Fellowship, Assistant Professor, Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine, Boston University) Summary: In this workshop, you will appraise patient and psychosocial domains to help you identify appropriate patients for alcohol withdrawal treatment in the outpatient setting. You will also learn to assess provider, practice and systems attributes that may influence the safety and efficacy of managing alcohol withdrawal in the office setting. Description: Attendees will be engaged in a dynamic workshop including a combination of didactic and small-group case-based discussion. The introductory didactic portion will review alcohol withdrawal symptoms, highlight tools to predict risk of complicated alcohol withdrawal and describe management options. Additionally, we will focus on patient, practice and systems domains to consider in identifying appropriate patients for outpatient alcohol withdrawal management and help ensure systems are supportive and complementary to the process. Attendees will then break into small group for a case-based discussion, utilizing the didactic knowledge to support the discussion. Finally, attendees will share perspectives regarding their personal and institutional experiences with outpatient alcohol withdrawal management.
Breakout Session: Publishing Addiction Research 101
Led by: Casy Calver, PhD (Editorial Director, Grayken Center for Addiction and the Clinical Addiction Research and Education [CARE] Unit, Boston Medical Center) Alexander Walley, MD, MSc (Professor of Medicine, Boston University Chosbanian and Avesdisian School of Medicine, Primary Care Physician and Addiction Specialist, Boston Medical Center)
Breakout Session: Spreading HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences)
Led by: Amanda Winn (Director of Training and Technical Assistance, The HOPE National Resource Center, Tufts Medicine. Medford, MA.)
Breakout Session: Supporting Trans & Gender Expansive Clients in Residential Settings: Best Practices and Considerations
Breakout Session: We've Come This Far by Faith: Faith-Based Strategies for Recovery in the Black Community
Led by: Devin Cromartie, MD, MPH (Assistant Professor, Boston University. Psychiatrist, Boston Medical Center. Boston, MA. )