May 21, 2024

UBC Medicine Research Demo Conference: Advancing Health & Knowledge

This is not a real event, it's a demo to showcase Fourwaves for UBC users

Fourwaves is a UBC Prequalified Supplier for event management and this demo event was created as an example. Learn more about Fourwaves here. You can navigate on this event website and test the registration and submission forms. The exploration and advancement of medical research in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia. We are pleased to host professionals and scholars from the medical industry to share their perspectives, ideas, and experience in this field.

At this conference, you will have the opportunity to network with peers, gain insight from key note speakers and panelists, and broaden your understanding of medical research.

This is not a real event, it's a demo to showcase Fourwaves for UBC users

Objectives of the conference

Here are the objectives of the conference:

  1. Fostering Collaboration: Our conference aims to create a platform for graduate students in medical research to collaborate, share insights, and develop interdisciplinary partnerships that drive innovative solutions in the medical field.
  2. Showcasing Cutting-Edge Research: We provide an opportunity for attendees to present and discuss their latest research findings, offering a spotlight for groundbreaking work and receiving constructive feedback from peers and experts in the field.
  3. Enhancing Professional Development: The conference is designed to enhance the professional growth of graduate students by offering workshops and seminars on advanced research methodologies, publication strategies, and career opportunities in medical research.
  4. Building a Research Community: We are committed to building a vibrant, supportive community where graduate students can network with peers, mentors, and industry leaders, gaining valuable contacts and insights into the diverse aspects of medical research.

Confirmed Keynotes

Here are the confirmed keynotes for the conference

  • Alice Cunningham

    Alice Cunningham

    University of British Columbia

    Currently pursuing her doctorate at UBC, Alice is distinguishing herself with her innovative research approaches. Her passion for knowledge and discovery drives her studies and invigorates her peers.

  • Lillian Thornton

    Lillian Thornton

    University of Toronto

    Lillian has showcased her dedication to rigorous scholarship and interdisciplinary collaboration. Her research, although in its early stages, is gaining attention in her academic circle.

  • Michael Foster

    Michael Foster

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    As a doctoral student at Pineview Institute of Technology, Michael is known for his commitment to scientific exploration and his readiness to challenge established theories. His research, though nascent, shows promise of broad and significant impact.

  • Benjamin Griffin

    Benjamin Griffin

    Silverstream International University

    Benjamin has made strides with his groundbreaking studies. His inspiring commitment to expanding knowledge, combined with his enthusiasm, encourages a vibrant academic environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to common questions about the conference.


We are grateful to our sponsors who made this conference possible.

  • University of British Columbia
  • Nexus
  • Future Horizons Solutions
  • Global Dynamics Inc.

Enjoy Vancouver

While at the conference, enjoy the city and its beautiful parks.



UBC Faculty of Medicine

2312 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC Canada, V1Y 1T3

Registration period

November 21, 2023 - 2:59 PM until May 21, 2024 - 9:00 PM

Submission period

November 21, 2023 - 2:59 PM until May 21, 2024 - 9:00 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .