October 26-27, 2023

Value-Based Health Care Congress 2023


Welcome to the VBHC Congress 2023

The VBHC Congress 2023 will place a spotlight on the transformation to improve the health outcomes of Australians and the sustainability of our health system.

Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) is a global movement. Both in Australia and internationally, health services and systems are exploring opportunities to move from a focus on the volume of services delivered, to the outcomes achieved, through a range of transformative programs and policies.

Value for patients requires collaboration and we know that integrated care cannot be achieved when organisations work in isolation. Together we must create a shared purpose and culture across the disciplines - clinical, financial, operational, management, informatics and technology.

This Congress will bring together leaders from across the health system - clinician leaders, executives, senior managers, consumers, policy makers and researchers to showcase and share experiences.

You can keep up to date on all Congress updates and announcements by signing up to AHHA News, our monthly email newsletter.

Keynote Speaker

  • Dr Sally Lewis

    Dr Sally Lewis

    National Clinical Director for VBHC at NHS Wales

    Dr Sally Lewis will be coming to Australia as our keynote speaker and also as a panellist throughout the Congress.

    Sally was a GP for 24 years and has front-line experience of primary care at its most challenging.

    She entered a career in medical management in 2011 and was appointed to Assistant Medical Director for Value-Based care in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in 2014.

    Since 2018, Sally has been leading the national Value-Based healthcare programme in Wales, and is director of the Welsh Value in Health Centre. She is an Honorary Professor at Swansea School of Medicine.


AHHA Member:
Early Bird - $550
Standard - $770

Early Bird - $770
Standard - $990

Early Bird pricing ends on July 31 2023.

Presented in partnership with

  • The Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI)

Proudly supported by

  • The Queensland Government


Room Three Sixty gallery - QUT

2 George Street Brisbane City, QLD Australia, 4000

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact admin@ahha.asn.au .

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