Speakers are listed alphabetically by first name. Other speakers will be added.
`Aurore Danvin, MD
Mrs. Aurore DANVIN, IRSN, France, MD in Vascular Surgery, is a radiation protection expert (license degree in Radiation protectio n and Environment, and three years of experience as a radiationprotection engineer for the medical field) who joined the Medical Radiological Protection ExpertiseUnit of IRSN in 2023. In the Medical Radiological Protection Expertise Unit of IRSN, she is involved in the management of national DRL data collection, analysis and reporting. She is one of the two webmasters of the French DRLs dedicated website (https://nrd.irsn.fr/ and https://basenrd.irsn.fr/). As a member of the French TSO, she also works as a technical support of ASN in the field of medical radiation protection, especially in diagnostic and interventional radiology and occupational radiation protection. She is involved in training courses for French Radiation Protection officers.

Boris Brkljacic
President of Eurosafe imaging, since 2023
Assistant Professor of Radiology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IL, since March 2020
Vice-Dean for Science, University of Zagreb Medical School, since 2015
Permanent Full Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, since 2013
Chairman, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, “Dubrava” University Hospital, Zagreb, since October 2001

Dr. David Koff, MD FRCPC FCAR
Dr. David Koff is a radiologist with special interest for chest and body radiology, Professor Emeritus at McMaster University, past Chief and Chair of the Department of Radiology. He is Chair and co-founder of Canada Safe Imaging, a radiation safety campaign, CAR Associate and a member of the International Society of Radiology Quality and Safety Alliance. Dr Koff is a member of the RSNA Informatics Committee, ESR Image Quality committee. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Association of Radiologists and a Senior member of the IEEE.

Dina Husseiny Salama, MD, PhD
Professor Dina is the Professor of Radiology and the Director of Radiology & Medical Imaging Technology Programme at Misr University for Science and Technology. Currently, she is Chairperson of the AFRA Programme Management which is African governments regional cooperative agreement on research and training in Science and Technology. she is the regional focal point and International Expert for: WHO, IAEA, RSNA International Society of Radiological Quality and Safety, Board of Directors of ARABsafe , AFROsafe and African Society of Radiology , the vice chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee and eerved as the Standing Advisory Group of his Excellencies the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Technical Cooperation

Dominique Laurier, PhD
Dominique Laurier has 25 years of experience in the field of radiation epidemiology. He works at the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) as Deputy Head of the Health Division. He has been a member of the main commission of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) since 2017 and chairman of ICRP committee 1 since 2021. He is the French representative to UNSCEAR, and the chair of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) High Level Group on Low Dose Research (HLG-LDR).

Donald P. Frush, MD, FACR, FSABI, FAAP
Donald P. Frush MD, is the John Strohbehn Professor of Radiology, and an Associate Faculty Member, Medical Physics Graduate Program at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Frush’s research interests are predominantly involved with pediatric body computed tomography (CT), including technology assessment, techniques for pediatric CT examinations, assessment of image quality, radiation dosimetry, and radiation protection and risk communication in medical imaging. Other areas of investigation include CT applications in children and patient safety in radiology. He is currently the chair of the Image Gently Alliance and has professional roles in organizations including the NRCP; National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine; International Society of Radiology, IAEA and WHO.

Elena Tonkopi, MS, MCCPM, DABR
Elena Tonkopi is a medical imaging physicist at Nova Scotia Health in Halifax and an assistant professor at Dalhousie University, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, and Department of Radiation Oncology. A member of the COMP Imaging Committee, she was involved with working groups for the CAR CT and lung cancer screening accreditation programs.

Harry Ingleby, PhD, MCCPM
Harry Ingleby is a clinical imaging physicist with CancerCare Manitoba and holds appointments as a lecturer in Radiology and an adjunct professor in Physics & Astronomy and in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Manitoba. He supports diagnostic x-ray imaging modalities across the province.

Jason Nagels, CIIP, PMP
Jason Nagels boasts over 20 years in Imaging Informatics Consultation & Education. His pivotal role at regional provincial repositories has been instrumental in advancing digital healthcare and imaging technologies.

Dr. Jing Chen
Dr. Jing Chen has been head of the Radiological Impact Section at the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada since 2010.
Before joining Health Canada in 2001, she worked as a research scientist at the Institute of Radiobiology at the National Research Centre for Environment and Health (GSF), Germany, the Environment, Safety and Health Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, and Bubble Technology Industries Inc., Chalk River, Canada.
Dr. Chen is editorial board member of Radiation Environmental Biophysics, Radiation Medicine and Protection, and Radiation Environment and Medicine. She worked on the OECD/NEA Expert Group on Radiological Protection Science (EGRPS), the development of Canadian drinking water and NORM management guidelines, the Radioactivity Working Group of Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, and the WHO Expert Group on Management of Radioactivity in Drinking Water.
She received a number of awards of excellence in science including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Governor General of Canada in 2012. From the Canadian Radiation Protection Association, she received the Distinguished Achievement Award for outstanding contributions in the field of radiation protection in 2012 and the Founder's Award for outstanding contributions toward the enhancement of the Association in 2019.
Dr. Chen joined the Canadian delegation to UNSCEAR in 2011 and was alternate representative between 2014 and 2017. She has been the Canadian representative to UNSCEAR since the sixty-fifth session in 2018.

Jouni Uusi-Simola, MD, Ph.D.
Dr . Jouni Uusi-Simola works in a team of Medical Phycisits at HUS Diagnostic Center. The center provides laboratory and medical imaging services at 150 units including 12 hospitals and has 3400 employees, producing over 1.1 million medical imaging examinations annually He is the Radiation Safety Officer of the radiology department Peijas hospital and the Radiation Safety Expert in radiology in general and specially for fluoroscopy and interventional radiology. Current research interests are radiation safety, dosimetry and optimizing the use of radiation.

Lesley Buckley, PhD, FCCPM
Dr. Lesley Buckley is a clinical medical physicist at The Ottawa Hospital and holds clinical certifications in radiation oncology, diagnostic imaging and mammography physics. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics at The University of Ottawa and is the radiation safety officer for the cancer centre at The Ottawa Hospital. Her current clinical and research focus is primarily in quality improvement initiatives, imaging dose as applied to radiation therapy and in the development of regional approaches to quality assurance programs.

Madan Rehani, PhD
Dr. Madan Rehani is Director, Global Outreach for Radiation Protection at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. He was President, IOMP (2018- 2022) and is currently President IUPESM. He is a retired Professor of Medical Physics and also retired from the IAEA where he worked for 11 years. He was Head of the WHO Collaborating Center on Imaging Technology and Radiation Protection in India. Dr. Rehani is an Emeritus Member, International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), having been active member for 24 years.

Makoto Hoson, MD, PhD
Dr Makoto Hosono,is Professor of Department of Radiology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine, Osaka, Japan, and serves as a member of ICRP C3 since 2017 and a member of Radiation Council, Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Government, Japan since 2022. After graduating from Kyoto University School of Medicine, Japan, he has been contributing to the fields including nuclear oncology, nuclear medicine, and radiology as well as radiation protection. In Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine (JSNM), he serves as the Chair of PET Committee since 2011. He also served as the Chief for establishment of the first ever National Diagnostic Reference Levels in 2015 (Japan DRLs 2015) in the framework of Japan Network for Research and Information on Medical Exposure (J-RIME). Since 2017, he is the Chair of J-RIME and was involved in revision of DRLs, which was published as Japan DRLs 2020.

Manon Rouleau, Ing.
Coprésidente de Radioprotection inc., Manon œuvre en radioprotection depuis plus de 30 ans. Elle a réalisé plusieurs publications et présentations en radioprotection au Québec, au Canada et à l’international. Son sujet de prédilection est la radioprotection des patients. Elle a organisé plusieurs conférences de l’ACRP et fait partie du comité organisateur du Symposium à titre de représentant de l’ACRP.

Mark Venturi
Marc Venturi is Director of Accreditation at Canadian Association of Radiologists. He has 10 years in highly team-focused settings, motivating people through mutual respect and trust, 10 years as an engaging presenter, facilitator and writer, 7 years managing business units and complex projects with multiple stakeholders and 6 years in academic and applied research.
Moulay Ali Nassiri, Medical physicist, PhD, MCCPM
Moulay Ali Nassiri is a medical imaging physicist currently working at the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center of Estrie - Sherbrooke University Hospital Center, Quebec, Canada. He is an associate professor at the University of Sherbrooke. He worked for 6 years as a medical physicist coordinator at the Quebec Provincial Center of Expertise in Radiology, promoting the radiation protection of patients in health establishments in the province of Quebec, Canada. He is involved in Canadian and provincial professional organizations such as COMP, CAR and APIBQ to improve medical imaging practices.

Mythreyi Chatfield, PhD
Dr. Mythreyi Chatfield, is Executive Vice President for Quality and safety at the ACR, where she oversees the portfolio of quality and safety activities, including clinical guidelines, accreditation, data registries, peer learning, and quality improvement. Prior to her current role, she served as Director for Data Registries and worked with the Dose Index Registry during its early days.

Nina Stein, MD
Dr Nina Stein is a pediatric radiologist and pediatric neuroradiologist fellowship trained at Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, from 2009-2011. In 2011, she started working in McMaster Children’s Hospital with the goal of enhancing the pediatric imaging practice, becoming the head of the Pediatric Imaging division. She is the former Head of Pediatric Imaging Service in McMaster University and McMaster Children’s Hospital, a service created in 2017. Currently she is the head of the CanSPR education subcommittee and board member of the CanSPR. She works in collaboration in multiple research projects, including projects with other institutions and services, including Sick Kids Hospital, St Justine in Quebec, and Hospital Moinhos de Vento, Brazil.

Patrik Rogalla, MD
Dr. Rogalla was appointed in July 2009 as Full Professor of Radiology at the University of Toronto and held the position as Head of the Abdominal Imaging Division from July 2010 until December 2017. In February 2018, he was appointed as Head of the Cardiothoracic Imaging Division and Deputy Head of Innovation at JDMI. Furthermore, Dr. Rogalla is the Director of Computed Tomography at JDMI and served as the Site Director at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre until June 2020 before assuming the Imaging Site Director role at the Toronto General Hospital.

Philipe Kiipper, M.Sc.
Bachelor in Medical Physics from the University of São Paulo - USP (2008), Master of Science in Nuclear Technology - Reactors from the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN (2012), Specialist in Radiodiagnosis by the Brazilian Association of Medical Physics (ABFM, 2016), and specialist in radiological protection from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR, 2019). Has been working in medical physics in radiodiagnosis at the Hospital Sírio Libanês in São Paulo, Brazil, since 2021.

Rebecca Milman, PhD
Dr. Rebecca Milman is the Division Chief of Radiological Sciences at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is actively involved in clinical medical physics, from quality control testing of imaging equipment to conversations with medical staff, patients, and parents about radiation risk from medical imaging. Dr. Milman was an author of the AAPM/ACR/HPS position statement on the proper use of radiation dose metric tracking for patients undergoing medical imaging exams and has been an active volunteer with AAPM since 2013.

Dr. Rebecca Smith-Bindman
Dr Rebecca Smith-Bindman is a Professor in Residence of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Smith-Bindman directs the Radiology Outcomes Research Laboratory. Present research projects are assessing the risk of cancer associated with incidental findings identified on ultrasound and CT imaging, and assessing patterns of radiation from diagnostic imaging. She also is actively developing approaches that can be used to improve the way radiology tests are used and performed to improve the safety of medical imaging.

Roch Listz Maurice, Ph. D.
Roch Listz Maurice comes from applied mathematics, a field in which he completed a master's degree. From there, he moved towards biomedical engineering, a field in which he obtained a second master's degree followed by a doctorate at the University of Montreal. He notably worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology of the Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital (CRCHUM); Researcher at the CRCHUM Faculty of Medicine; respectively Guest Researcher and Guest Professor at CREATIS (Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1), France. He now works as a Biomedical Consultant for Groupe Biomedical Montérégie affiliated with the Centre Intégré de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de la Montérégie-Centre (CISSSMC), in addition to being appointed Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherche de Charles-Le Moyne in the CISSSMC. His main areas of research interest include medical imaging, translational medicine and medicine of the future (predictive and preventive) with applications in cardiology, functional genomics in hypertension and breast tissue characterization in oncology.

Roger Lecomte, PhD
Dr. Roger Lecomte is Professor of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences at the Université de Sherbrooke and served as Scientific Head of the Sherbrooke Molecular Imaging Center from 2008 to 2023 and as Director of the Medical Imaging Axis at the Research Center of the Sherbrooke University Hospital from 2008 to 2018. He established the Research Laboratory in Positron Emission Tomography (“LabPET”), where he introduced solid-state photodetectors in PET with the aim of developing and exploiting this detection technology for ultra-high resolution PET imaging in small animals and the human brain. He is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and an IEEE Life Fellow.

Romain Espagnet, PhD
Professionnel de recherche - Physicien,
Groupe de Recherche en Appareillage Médical de Sherbrooke
Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Innovation Technologique (3IT)
Université de Sherbrooke, Québec), Canada
Steve Massey
Steve Massey is Vice President of Product Development with PACSHealth. Electrical Engineering and Software Development background exclusively in the medical imaging field for over 30 years. Joined DICOM Working Group 28 (Physics) in 2012 and AAPM in 2020. Authored and/or co-authored several items in DICOM, IHE, and AAPM relating to diagnostic dose index monitoring.

Suphot Srimahachota, MD
Dr. Suphot Srimahachota
- 1988 MD, Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University, Thailand
- 1992 Thai Board of Internal Medicine
- 1994 Subspecialty Thai Board of Cardiology
- 1999 Interventional cardiac fellow, Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, the Netherlands
- 2008 Certificate Thai Board of Cardiovascular Intervention
- 2010 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expert for radiation protection in cardiology
- 2016 Award of New Innovation from National Research Council of Thailand for HYDRA Bioprosthesis Valve for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
- 2020 Award of New Innovation from National Research Council of Thailand for Closure ofleft atrial appendage with Omega - LAA occluder device for stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation
- 2020 Distinguished Academic Award from Royal College of Physician of Thailand
- 2018-2020 Committee of Heart Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King.
- 2018 Fellow of Asean Federation College of Cardiology
- 2022-2024 President of Heart Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King
- 2022 Fellow of European Society of Cardiology
- 2023 MDCU The Medical Icons Award: 75 years Anniversary (1947-2022) of Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
- 2024 Distinguished Academic Award from Thai Red Cross Society
- Current position: Associate Professor, Division of cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital and Chulalongkorn University

Thor Bjarnason, PhD, PEng, FCCPM
Dr. Thor Bjarnason is based in British Columbia and is a Senior Medical Physicist with Interior Health and a faculty member with UBCO Physics and UBC Radiology. He is the former Chair of the COMP Imaging Committee and continues to volunteer for COMP and CAR on the topics of X-ray Imaging Physics, Radiation Safety, and Accreditation.

Vesna Gershan, PhD
Dr. Vesna Gershan is a Radiation protection specialist in the Radiation Protection of Patients Unit, NSRW, IAEA, Vienna and is IAEA representative in the AAMP - Radiation Therapy Patient Safety Subcommittee (PSSC) and the WP MED Group of experts of the European Treaty.