
We have many sustainability initiatives with the goal of preventing litter, reducing waste, and giving back to our community that can be found throughout the Symposium including:

No single-use plastics | No single-use glass | Recycling right | Composting | Buffet style food to limit packaging | Water refill stations | Virtual schedules and maps | Planting one native sea oat for every registration | Utilizing a LEED Gold certified space | Reusable ID badges and lanyards | Choosing sustainable vendors for materials | Carbon Offsets through One Tribe

Want to be the most sustainable attendee?

  • Always use appropriate containers for recycling, compost and trash

  • Bring a reusable water bottle for refills

  • Utilize the public transit options to the museum

  • Take these practices home with you!

To get more involved with sustainability at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, click here!

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