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Scholars, educators, students, artists, and practitioners in applied fields are invited to propose posters for the interactive exhibit.


The overarching focus of the N2 2024 conference is the Noosphere & the Global South. In light of this and our current global challenges, we pose two grand questions: “What are we here for?”—as in, why, at this moment, is it important to meet at this location, which is both a gateway to Africa and the crossroads of three global regions? and also, what is our larger purpose here, in this geographic location and here, on our shared planet? And we also ask, “What are we for? In the face of a widespread climate of negativity, where the dominant mood is to shout what we are against, what is it that we joyfully affirm? To what do we give our enthusiastic assent and our human energy?

More specifically, we invite poster proposals to address one or more of the following themes:

  • The noosphere as a vision of global collective intelligence
  • Sustainability, governance, and cooperation in the noosphere
  • Technology, modernity, and democracy in the evolving global consciousness
  • Future business models and economic cooperation for the noosphere
  • Cultivating science-based optimism and moral positivity for the future
  • Transcendence and awe in the noosphere


Poster proposals should be submitted via the online portal on this site, no later than September 30, 2024. Proposals will be reviewed, and proposers notified, on a rolling basis, however, so early submission is encouraged. Notification of acceptance will be issued no later than October 15.

Requirements for proposals available here.

Ready to submit your proposal? Submission page available here.