Abstract Structure

The abstract is structured as follows:

  1. Background, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion
  2. Word limit: 300 (excluding title, authors and affiliations)
  3. A photo of the presenting author will be required
  4. A biography (maximum 150 words) will be required

Selection Criteria

  • The Scientific Committee will evaluate the content of abstracts for relevance to the conference theme, research quality, significance and innovation (in the context of dementia), research quality and methodology, new knowledge, innovation in research or practice, research impact and appropriate and clear language.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed and allocated to either an oral presentation, poster blitz or poster presentation.
  • Abstracts will only be accepted through online submission.

Please note:

  • We strongly recommend that the person submitting the abstract is the primary presenter.
  • Successful applicants will be notified on Wednesday 6 March 2024.

Contact Us

Contact the events team at adrf@jtproductionmaagement.com or visit our website for more information


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