
There will be two types of formats for research presentations: Oral presentations and Poster presentations. Abstracts may be submitted for either category. Please note that while you should select your preferred presentation method, The Scientific Committee may offer you an alternate category. Symposium presentations are by invitation only and are not open to the public.

Please note:

  • There is no fee for submission of an abstract.
  • Each accepted paper must be presented by the registered author live and in-person at the conference in Queensland (pre-recorded presentations will not be permitted).
  • The registered author is required to participate in the Q&A session to be held immediately after the presentation.
  • The Scientific Committee determines the program and sessions and will also inform those who submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation of the outcome in early March 2024.
  • Once your abstract has been accepted, you will need to register for the conference no later than 18th March 2024 so that the abstract may be listed in the program. Conference registration fees apply.
  • Papers will be selected from accepted abstract submissions, grouped into themes and presented in concurrent sessions.

Standard Oral presentation

Standard presentations report original research or project findings, papers reporting work in progress, methodological papers, case presentations or professional practice issues.

The format will be 8 mins of presentation time + 4 mins Q & A.

Poster Blitz presentation

Poster Blitz presentations will be offered to high-scoring poster submissions.

Poster Blitz includes a title slide + a maximum of 3 slides and a 3-minute oral presentation of an electronic poster during the poster session, followed by a 10-minute discussion with other presenters.

Poster presentation

Poster presenters will be in traditional A1 hard-copy poster format.

It will be submitted electronically via an online portal prior to the conference; however, you will be responsible for printing and delivering it to the venue in Queensland.

Poster presenters will be assigned one day to display their A1 printed poster at the conference. In addition, poster presenters will be able to stand next to their printed poster during a Meet the Poster Presenters session.

Posters will be displayed in the hallway, foyer and/or the exhibit hall and receive comments and questions on their poster(s) from meeting participants.

Posters will be accessible prior to the conference on the ADRF website and for up to three months after the conference, maximising exposure in person and virtually for an extended period of time.

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