Audio Archive

Conference Introduction

Marion Chottin, Hannah Thompson and Vanessa Warne

Keynote Speaker 1: Corinne Doria

(Re)Defining Blindness: An Invitation to A Critical Understanding of “Visual Impairment”

Round Table 1

The Language of Blindness: Naming, Defining, Depicting

(Chair: Hannah Thompson ; Moderator: Marion Chottin)

Kishor Alam (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Selina Mills (Independent scholar)

Round Table 2

Decentering Sight: Blindness and Sensory Experience

(Chair: Céline Roussel; Moderator: Hannah Thompson)

Max Ubelaker Andrade (University of Massachusetts)

Charlotte Makepeace (University of Leeds)

Bertrand Verine (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)

Round Table 3

Blindness and Being: Geography, Phenomenology, and Ecology

(Chair: Vanessa Warne ; Moderator: Marion Chottin)

David Anderson (York University, Canada)

Devon Healey (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; University of Toronto, Canada)

Dylan Sroussi (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)

Keynote Speaker 2: Georgina Kleege

The Art of Touch

Round Table 4

Writing Blindness: Blindness and Self-Representation

(Chair: Georgina Kleege; Moderator: Hannah Thompson)

Aravinda Bhat (Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India)

Krishna Kumar (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)

Céline Roussel (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)

Round Table 5

Blindness Arts: From Art-Making to Access

(Chair: Hannah Thompson ; Moderator: Vanessa Warne)

Louise Fryer (Independent Scholar)

Rachel Hutchinson (University of Westminster, UK)

Sabine Gadrat (Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France)

David Johnson (Royal College of Art, UK)

Workshop 1

Discovering Painting through Listening

ANR Project "Inclusive Museum Guide", France

(Facilitator: Sabine Gadrat)

Nadine Dutier (occupational therapist specialized in accessibility for visually impaired people, Marly-le-Roi, France)

Tatiana Lujic (graduate of the Institut de tourisme pour déficients visuels, Paris, France)

Valérie Pasquet (founder and director of the charity PERCEVOIR, Paris, France)

Round Table 6

Blind Musicians: Cultures, Identities, Histories

(Chair: Catherine Kudlick; Moderator: Selina Mills)

Sébastien Durand (Université de Tours, France)

Flavio Oliveira (Département municipal de l'éducation de Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Wei Yu Wayne Tan (Hope College, USA)

Round Table 7

Teaching and Learning: Pedagogies of Blindness Part 1

(Chair: Suzanne Commend; Moderator: Dannyelle Valente)

Bruno Liesen (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Maria Romeiras Amado (Institute for Contemporary History, Universidade Nova de Lisbon, Portugal)

Noëlle Roy (Conservatrice honoraire du musée et de la bibliothèque patrimoniale Valentin Haüy, France)

Pieter Verstraete (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Round Table 8

Teaching and Learning: Pedagogies of Blindness Part 2

(Chair: Bruno Liesen; Moderator: Noelle Roy)

Susanne Commend (Université d'Angers, France)

Heidi Lourens (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)

Dannyelle Valente (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France)

Round Table 9

Blindness and Societies: Sites, Representations, Institutions

(Chair: Gildas Brégain ; Moderator: Corinne Doria)

Daniel Defoort (University of Reims, France)

Nidhal Mahmoud (Sorbonne Université, France)

Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom (Université de Strasbourg, France, and Université des études étrangères de Tokyo, Japon)

Round Table 10

Blindness, Deafness and DeafBlindness : Histories, Methods, Perceptions

(Chair: Louis Fryer ; Moderator: Vanessa Warne)

Marion Ink (INSERM-EHESS-CERM, France)

Soline Vennetier (EHESS-CRH, France)

Video of the session with sign-language

Round Table 11

Feminist Approaches to Blindness: Discrimination and Resistance

(Chair: Corinne Doria: Moderator: Céline Roussel)

Gildas Brégain (CNRS, EHESP, France)

Anaïs Choulet-Vallet (Université Lyon 3)

Raquel Guerreiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Virgínia Kastrup (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Workshop 2

(Facilitator: Vanessa Warne)

The Mindful Body: An Interactive Workshop led by artist David Johnson


Synthesis of the fourth day

Marion Chottin, Hannah Thompson, Vanessa Warne

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