Frequently asked questions
I receive funding for another study program that I am carrying out in parallel with my M.Sc. or Ph.D. studies, will this amount be included in the scholarship accumulation regulations?
Yes. We take into account all sources of financing for the settlement of scholarship accumulation. So, if you have a Fellowship scholarship, for example, you will not be eligible for the CHUSJ Foundation Excellence scholarship if it is greater than the maximum amounts.
I plan to start in the next winter session or I have a nominative scholarship greater than the authorized amount which ends after September 1. Am I eligible for the scholarship?
Yes. You can apply to the scholarship for the current year, but it will start only once you are eligible (i.e. once you start your program or once your previous scolarship ends). You will have to decline the amounts that would have been paid to you between September 1 and the scholarship activation date. In other words, your scholarship will end on August 31, of next year, even if you activate it after September 1.
Why is a Scientific Conference Attendance Sheet required for this competition?
We believe that participation in the Research Center's scientific conferences is essential to obtain an enriching academic experience. The main objective of the conferences is to learn what is being done in research in the broad field of mother-child health - in areas that are similar to yours, but also in areas outside your area of expertise. We believe it is important to have a global vision of research, and not just ultra-specialized training. And who knows, maybe give you original ideas for your project, based on a subject completely different from yours!
Scientific conferences are also an opportunity to meet other students and researchers at the Center, as well as speakers from other organization. Developing your network is important during studies, and will be also useful when you start looking for a job.
We also want to ensure that we fund people who are attending CR-CHUSJ or CRME-Technopôle.
You find that there are not enough conferences related to your field of research? We encourage you to suggest speakers to invite to affaires.scientifiques.hsj@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
I have not attended at least 12 scientific presentations, or one presentation per month since my arrival (in person), can I still submit my application?
Yes, but you must attach a letter justifying why you were unable to attend at least 1 conference per month, signed by you and your research supervisor.
I got a masters scholarship, but I will move on to PhD. What will happen with my CHUSJ Foundation scholarship?
The students doing a direct transfer from MSc to a PhD degree during the award period will continue to receive the amount initially awarded to them (i.e., MSc Scholarship). The Supervisor's minimum contribution will then have to be adjusted, in order to respect the Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine's minimum scholarship policy for PhD students.