2nd Annual CLS Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Microprobe Workshop
Applications are now open to the 2nd Annual CLS Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Microprobe Workshop!
This 2-day course serves as an introduction to the application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), with a theme of agriculture and food research. This course is aimed to provide course attendees an opportunity to get first-hand experience in XAS data analysis (data reduction, processing and interpretation). Participants will learn from experts in the field, with a combination of hands-on training, lectures and Q&A sessions.
Specifically, the participants will receive the following:
X-ray spectroscopy principles and applications
X-ray fluorescence imaging and microanalysis
Hands on XAS data handling, processing, visualization and analysis
Beamline Tour (BioXAS, SXRMB, SGM)
Applications to Attend
Please fill the following application form.
Conference/Workshop Travel Support Program (CWTSP)
Registered participants can navigate to the travel support program page below for more information
The course will be limited to 25 participants, and is geared towards beginner and intermediate level.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets during the practicum sessions.
Registration Fees
$200 (graduate students, postdocs, early career researchers)
$350 (industry and professors)
Includes coffee, lunch and snacks on the two days as well as a dinner reception on the first day
Important Dates
March 10th - Workshop Application Opens
May 15th - Application Submission Deadline
June 1st - Notification of Enrollment Acceptance
July 1st - General Registration Deadline and Pay Fees
Considering the theme of this workshop, participants are encouraged to check out information on crop and agriculture from the crop development center https://cdc.usask.ca/
Organized by
Canadian Light Source
44 Innovation Boulevard Saskatoon, SK Canada, S7N 2V3Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact spectroscopy@lightsource.ca .