Les plateformes et communautés qui favorisent la découverte de médicaments en science ouverte
Au fil des avancées en matière de découverte de médicaments, les laboratoires de recherche isolés et les collaborations privées laissent place à des communautés dynamiques à grande échelle et à des plateformes ouvertes. Cette session met en lumière certaines des initiatives les plus novatrices qui conduisent cette transformation et façonnent l’avenir de la découverte de médicaments. « MAINFRAME, an international, Open Science, ML network to advance pre-competitive drug discovery » Albert A. Antolin - Titulaire de la chaire principale au sein de l’Institut de recherche biomédicale de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) ainsi qu’à l’Institut catalan d’oncologie (ICO) We recently launched MAINFRAME—an international, open-science network of machine learning scientists and computational chemists. MAINFRAME seeks to harness the data produced by Target2035 and AI to develop more robust, open-source hit identification methods for the benefit of all. The release of binding data orders of magnitude greater than what is currently available offers an unprecedented opportunity to enhance AI-driven hit identification and develop more generalizable, foundational models. At MAINFRAME, we are committed to keeping these models open-source and accessible to the whole scientific community. We invite all interested scientists to join us in this mission. « Can We Build Roller Coasters? » Karmen Čondić-Jurkić - Directrice générale de la Fondation Open Molecular Software The Open Molecular Software Foundation (OMSF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the development, accessibility, and sustainability of open-source software in the molecular sciences. By fostering collaboration among researchers from academia and industry, OMSF aims to accelerate scientific progress and innovation in the world of molecules. This talk will highlight OMSF's mission to create a sustainable ecosystem for open molecular software, its key initiatives, and how the community can contribute to and benefit from its efforts. It will also cover some of the challenges and learnings we made on the way.