* All times are based on Canada/Eastern EST.
3 parallel sessionsGratitude Catcher
Reconnect with hope by sharing your thanks for something, someplace, or someone you appreciate. Link to Padlet
Resource Gathering
Add to the CPC/CPPCL Collective Resource Maps and help build our library of open-access materials that can support effective and equitable parks and protected areas leadership and research. Link to Padlet
Strategic Priorities Idea Catcher
Help the CPC/CPPCL Collective build an understanding of the wicked problems and opportunities that impact the entire parks and protected areas leadership and research system. Link to Padlet.
2 parallel sessionsNature Break Sharing Wall
Disconnect from screens and ideas so your brain and body can recover. Try to go outside and connect with nature, or just spend some time with a houseplant or pet. Open the link on your smartphone or when you return, share photos, text, or audio of your experience during the nature break. Link to Padlet. (
Virtual Nature Break: Parks Canada 360 Videos
We think you should disconnect from screens and ideas so your brain and body can recover from focusing your attention on sessions. But we understand if you can't leave your desk, so take a break and enjoy an immersive 360 degree video from Parks Canada. English French
2 parallel sessionsNature Break Sharing Wall
Disconnect from screens and ideas so your brain and body can recover. Try to go outside and connect with nature, or just spend some time with a houseplant or pet. Open the link on your smartphone or when you return, share photos, text, or audio of your experience during the nature break. Link to Padlet. (
Virtual Nature Break: Sepaq Virtual Tour Parc de la Chute-Montmorency.
We think you should disconnect from screens and ideas so your brain and body can recover from focusing your attention on sessions. But we understand if you can't leave your desk, so take a break and enjoy a Sepaq Virtual Tour of Parc de la Chute-Montmorency. English French
2 parallel sessionsExploring Strategic Priorities of the Canadian Parks, Protected, and Conserved Areas System: Part One
Help the CPC/CPPCL Collective build an understanding of the wicked problems and opportunities that impact the entire parks and protected areas leadership and research system. Select an interactive session to connect with colleagues with shared interest, experience, and expertise. In Part One: The focus will be on the question "What is Happening WITHIN Organizations?" CPC/CPPCL Youth Knowledge Gatherers will attend select sessions.
Panel Block One: Research Gaps, ENGOs and IPCAs, Barriers and Enablers to accessing PPAs
A) Checking the Terrain: Biases and Gaps in Canadian Research in Parks and Protected Areas, B) Exploring the contribution of Environmental Non- Governmental Organizations to Indigenous-led Conservation in Canada, and C) Who Visits Canada’s Parks? Preliminary findings from a national study of perceived barriers and enablers to accessing Canadian protected and conserved areas
2 parallel sessionsPlenary Three: Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA) Planning Certificate at Vancouver Island University
Certificat de planification des aires protégées et conservées autochtones (APCA) à l'Université de l'île de Vancouver
Presenters Virtual Poster Hall
Find out more about the projects presented in rapid talks or panels and invite the presenters to join you in a conversation.