November 30, 2023

Journée scientifique annuelle de l'axe Endocrinologie et Néphrologie 2023

Dear colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the 2023 edition of the Annual Scientific Day of the Endo-Nephro Department (of the CRCHUQ-UL!) will take place on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at the CRCEO (6 rue McMahon in Old Quebec city).

On this occasion, members of our axis will have the opportunity to share the major breakthroughs resulting from their work with their sisters and brothers in the Axis and related networks; thus contributing to the development of transdisciplinary and collaborative research in endocrinology and nephrology in Quebec.

Several prizes and honors will be awarded to reward the best scientific presentations.

To attend the sessions of presentations, conferences and other activities of the day, you will have to register on this website using the form in the "REGISTRATION" tab, even if you do not submit an abstract.

On the program (preliminary):

  • Presentation of the progress and successes of the Axis' strategic development plan.
  • Presentation by a external speaker.
  • Scientific presentation sessions by our Axis members.
  • Awards ceremony.
  • Scientific recognition activity.

We encourage you to come in large numbers ! Looking forward to seeing you for real, this time !

Your Events and Training Committee (CEF): Dre Michèle Rouleau (Professionnelle de recherche - eq. C. Guillemette), les Dr.e.s Francine Durocher, Catherine Fortier, Stéphane Gobeil, Jean-Philippe Lambert (Directeur.rice.s de recherche), Laëtitia Coudert (Gestionnaire de l’axe) et le CÉEN.


Your student committee (CÉEN): Juliette Bhérer (eq. F. Durocher) - Présidente par intérim., Elloise Coyle (eq. A. Droit) - Secrétaire., Vivian Robin (eq. A. Droit) - Trésorier., Nadège Côté (eq. A. Agharazii) - Déléguée aux communications et représentante HDQ., Steven Boutrais (eq A. Droit) - Délégué aux activités sociales., Milan Picard (eq A. Droit) - Représentant du dry lab| bio-informatique., Jenifer Espinoza (eq F. Durocher) - Représentante du bloc R - CHUL., Cylia Dahmani (eq C. Guillemette) - Présidente sortante.

Attention ! If you have not registered for the day via the Fourwaves platform, you will not be able to access the presentation sessions or the conference offered by the guest researcher(s), nor benefit from the surprises (in the presence) organized by your organizing committee and offered by your Axis!

You will have until NOVEMBER 26, to register as a participant for the day. To do this, simply click at the top of the page to access the "registration" page.


CHUL, amphithéâtre Fisher

6 Rue McMahon Québec, QC Canada, G1R 3S1

Registration period

October 6, 2023 - 14:00 until November 26, 2023 - 23:30

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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