October 16-17, 2024

FECCA Conference 2024

Our Experiences. Our Future.

We are thrilled to announce we are now accepting abstract submissions and presentation proposals for the FECCA Conference 2024. This is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and share your experience with an audience of community sector leaders, community organisations, service providers, researchers, policy makers, public servants and community members.

The theme of the FECCA Conference 2024 is ‘Our Experiences. Our Future.’ With this conference, we aim to bring together different perspectives, lived experiences and expertise to develop a shared vision for the future of multiculturalism in Australia. A vision that is created by and truly represents Australia’s diverse multicultural communities and their advocates.

The FECCA Conference 2024 will be a space where everyone who works with multicultural communities can connect, share perspectives and be inspired. We value diverse voices including those of new speakers, young people, and individuals who are passionate about and contribute to advancing multiculturalism in Australia.

We invite you to seize this opportunity and contribute to a national conversation on important issues, lessons from the past, ideas to address new and emerging challenges and collaborate across sectors to find innovative solutions. Share your ideas, perspectives and experiences to help create a vision for multiculturalism that represents our communities, inspires the sector and directs the work we do.

Multicultural communities are diverse. To create a space where this diversity is celebrated, we welcome all forms of presentations including conventional presentations, performances, story-telling and more.

We welcome all abstracts. Please select the most applicable focus areas of your presentation from the table below.


FECCA 2024 - TIMELINE V3.png


This is a guide on how to navigate the submission form and portal.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the abstract portal, please contact the events team at fecca2024@jtproductionmanagement.com.

For abstract content and program-related enquiries, please contact admin@fecca.org.au or visit our conference website for more information.


Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Submission period

April 15, 2024 - 12:00 AM until July 18, 2024 - 12:36 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact fecca2024@jtproductionmanagement.com .

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