As the main content of the conference program, successful oral concurrent presentations will be grouped by themes. Oral concurrent sessions will be delivered in allocated session rooms.

The duration of the presentation is to be determined.


Abstracts will be reviewed according to one of the following categories to ensure the diversity of perspectives across the conference themes:

  • Research: report on original research, including reviews of original research (e.g., systematic reviews, scoping reviews). Presentations within this category should include conventional elements such as background, aim, methods, results, conclusions, and implications.
  • Practice: report on innovations in practice while challenging or informing on novel approaches in research and practice.
  • Lived experience: report on perspectives from community members to discuss topics that need to be addressed with respect to multicultural health and wellbeing, and provide new perspectives to inform practice, policy and research.
  • Thought-provoking ideas: report on ideas that challenge established practices or beliefs, with each presentation providing evidence and a clear future directions and considerations for research, practice or policy.


Offered as concurrent sessions, the symposia will allow a group of speakers from diverse research and practice groups to engage in a set of related research and/or case studies on a particular topic relevant to the conference theme.

Each speaker will need to submit their own individual abstract as part of the symposium. Symposia submissions may nominate a final speaker or up to two (2) speakers to summarise, comment on and identify emerging themes and future directions arising from the previous presentations. Headshots are required for both speakers.

The duration of the presentation is to be determined.


A speaker from each group will need to submit an outline which would include:

  • Introduction and background
  • Purpose or aim
  • Overview of activities conducted (presentations, presentation styles, etc.)
  • Expected learning outcomes for the audience


Posters will provide a visual display of innovative ideas, novel discoveries in research, practice, and policy. Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference in a traditional hard copy poster format.


  • A1 size (59.4cm height x 84.1cm width), 300 DPI: 7,016 x 9,933 pixels
  • It MUST be in landscape orientation - we will not accept it if it is in portrait.
  • Saved as high res .pdf files
  • Include contact details, including presenter's full name and email address.

Refer to the abstract submission guidelines for content.

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