May 20-21, 2025

Journées de la recherche 2025 de la Faculté de médecine et des centres affiliés

Dear Friends and colleagues,

The CHU de Québec-Université Laval research center, in collaboration with the three other major pediatric research centers in Quebec, are pleased to present the fourth edition of the provincial conference on mother-child research wich took place on the 29 and October 30, 2020 in a virtual form! We would have been delighted to welcome you to Quebec city, but virtual formula was needed to protect participants and their families and participate in the collective effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus while maintaining the objectives of the congress which are of:

  • Allow exchanges between researchers and students around mother-child research;
  • Facilitate the exposure of participants to new themes / research disciplines;
  • Serve as a forum for disseminating the latest advances in mother-child research in Quebec. As such, a special COVID-19 session will be added to the program.

This year the congress broke new ground by adapting a theme: decompartmentalized health.

From planning a pregnancy to the fetal period, from birth to early development of the child, to the adolescent and his or her behaviors, health cannot be understood outside of its broader context that includes environment, family, infrastructure and community. This research decompartmentalization, at the intersection of several individuals, ages and disciplines, facilitates the emergence of new knowledge, both in basic and clinical research. This is the only way to approach the complex problems and contemporary challenges in mother-child research

On behalf of the scientific committee and in my name as President of this congress, I would like to thank the 289 registered participants including the presenters of the 109 selected abstracts. We warmly thank the prestigious presenters, Dr Bruno Piedboeuf and Dr Michel Lucas, the session chairs, the guest presenters, the evaluators, the session facilitators and our members of the scientific committee for contributing to the quality and scientific diversity of the congress and its smooth running.
Thanks to our digital platform, videoconferencing exchanges could take place, not only for the oral presentations but also around each of 77 posters, between the presenters and the participants. We hope that this virtual formula has enabled fruitful and collaborative exchanges.

Dr Richard E. Bélanger To see the full schedule and access the virtual rooms, you must be connected to the event. For login instructions and to prepare for virtual poster sessions, you can refer to this guide for the participant.

Mother-child research spheres presented:

Session 1 - Family, parenthood, ethics and mental health

Session 2 - Genetics, epigenetics, biomarkers and developmental biology

Session 4 & 6 - Neonatology and prematurity

Session 5 - Maternal-fetal medicine and pregnancy complications

Session 7- Public and environmental health, epidemiology and organization of pediatric health care

Session 8- COVID-19: molecular mechanisms, therapies and family/psychosocial impacts

Complet program with abstracts

Congratulations to the winners of the Best Presentation Awards,

presented by our partner, the Foundation of Stars (in alphabetical order).

Best oral presentations:

Zahia Attari - McGill University
Joanie Mélançon - Laval University
Patrick Ntantu Nkinsa - University of Montreal
Sharina Patel - McGill University

Best poster presentations:

Marie-Eve Brien - University of Montreal
Thiphanie Cavé - University of Sherbrooke
Aurélie Lacouture - Laval University
Émilie Thivierge - University of Montreal


Scientific Commitee

Richard E. Bélanger, CRCHU de Québec-Université Laval, President
Émilie Beaulieu, CRCHU de Québec-Université Lava
Jennifer Saint-Laurent, CR-CHUS
Jean-François Lepage, CR-CHUS
Sylvie Girard, CR-CHU Sainte-Justine
Marie-Noëlle Simard, CR-CHU Sainte-Justine
Brett Burstein, RI-MUHC
Wissam Shalish, RI-MUHC

The members of the scientific committee thank their colleagues who joined the evaluating committee:

Arnaud Gagneur, Serge McGraw, Thuy Mai Luu, Sylvie Breton, Josée-Anne Gagnon, Katryn Paquette, Aimée Ryan, Jean-François Lepage, Audrey Hébert, Yara Barrense Diaz, Natalia Poliakova, Slim Haddad, Gina Muckle, Geneviève Roch, Côté Sylvana , Anne-Marie Côté, Gurbet karahan, Kakkar Fatima, Anne-julie Lafrenaye-Dugas, Andre Machado Xavier

Session facilitators

Aline Dumas, Anne-Julie Lafrenaye-Dugas, Caroline Moisan, Pascale Piedboeuf, Nadie Rioux

Conférence d'ouverture (anglais)

Pandemic Respiratory Viruses: learning from the past & preparing for the future

Par Kanta Subbarao, Ph. D., professeure titulaire au Département de microbiologie-infectiologie et d’immunologie de l'Université Laval, chercheuse au Centre de recherche CHU de Qc-UL et titulaire de la Chaire d’excellence en recherche du Canada sur la biologie et le contrôle des virus respiratoires zoonotiques et pandémiques.


A large majority of emerging viruses have emerged from animal reservoirs as zoonoses. A virus that causes little or no disease in their natural hosts can cause severe disease in a new host. In some instances, zoonoses are sporadic infections that do not spread further. In other instances, they cause outbreaks or epidemics, that are controlled with public health measures. In rare instances, the pathogen spreads globally in a susceptible population, causing a pandemic.

Coronaviruses and influenza viruses are prototype priority pathogens for pandemic preparedness: they are widely prevalent in animals, they have mechanisms for acquiring new genetic information that can extend their host-range, some viruses can spread by the airborne route, and both virus families have caused pandemics.

The key features of pandemic respiratory viruses including zoonotic origin, host susceptibility and airborne spread and lessons from past pandemics that can applied to prepare for future pandemics will be discussed.

Conférence d'ouverture (anglais)

Conférence de clôture

Comprendre le fonctionnement de la cellule pour traiter les maladies allant de l’obésité au cancer

Par Mathieu Laplante, Ph. D., directeur scientifique du Centre de recherche de l'IUCPQ-ULaval et professeur titulaire au département de médecine de l'Université Laval.


L’obésité et le cancer sont deux pathologies qui affectent la vie de millions d’êtres humains. Malgré des avancées importantes dans la prise en charge de ces maladies, beaucoup reste à faire pour mettre au point des approches efficaces pour traiter ces pathologies et améliorer la santé humaine. Si nous voulons traiter, nous devons mieux comprendre. Basé sur cette philosophie et sur mon expérience en recherche fondamentale, j’ai construit au fil des années un programme de recherche ayant pour objectif général d’améliorer la compréhension du fonctionnement des cellules et des tissus afin de générer de nouvelles avenues pour le traitement de maladies communes allant de l’obésité au cancer. Dans cette présentation, je ferai un tour sommaire des principales découvertes faites par mon groupe depuis la mise en place de mon laboratoire en 2012.

Conférence de clôture


The organizing committee warmly thanks the Fondation des Étoiles for their support.
  • Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval
  • Centre de recherche CERVO
  • Nutriss


Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry - Université Laval

1050 Avenue de la Médecine Québec, QC Canada, G1V 0A6

Registration period

January 15, 2025 - 00:00 until May 4, 2025 - 23:59

Submission period

January 15, 2025 - 00:00 until March 14, 2025 - 23:59

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