May 25, 2023

QBIN Scientific Day 2023


We are pleased to invite you to the QBIN 2023 Scientific Day, taking place in-person at the Centre Alphonse-Desjardins of Université Laval on May 25th! This year's program will feature:

  • Keynote lecture by this year's William Feindel invitee, Professor Sandra Black
  • Keynote lecture by this year's Rising Star in Bio-Imaging in Quebec Awardee, Professor Matthieu Pelletier-Galarneau
  • Flash-talk presentations and discussion sessions
  • A cocktail reception at the end of the day

We look forward to welcoming you again in person!

About QBIN

To learn more about QBIN and our mission, check out our website and the QBIN Blog! You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date with events and news from the network.

Organizing Committee

Martine Dallaire, Administrative Coordinator

Pascale Tremblay, Local Organizer

Simon Duchesne, Local Organizer

Andréanne Michaud, Local Organizer

Estrid Jakobsen, Communications Officer

Christine Tardif, Co-director

Martin Lepage, Co-director

Silver level partners

  • Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec
  • DELL Technologies
  • Amazon Web Services

Bronze level partners

  • Centre de recherche NUTRISS
  • Institut intelligence et données
  • Rogue Research


Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins de l'Université Laval

2325 rue de l'Université Québec, Quebec Canada, G1V 0A6

Registration period

March 27, 2023 - 8:00 AM until May 19, 2023 - 11:30 PM

Submission period

March 27, 2023 - 8:00 AM until May 10, 2023 - 11:30 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact .

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