October 13-15, 2023

Moot 34 NMR Conference and A Celebration of Magnetic Resonance at McMaster

Welcome to MOOT 34 &

a Celebration of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at McMaster

Save the date! October 13-15, 2023, McMaster will host two special events. On Friday, October 13, in the afternoon (1 PM), we will host "A Celebration of Magnetic Resonance at McMaster" for our 65th anniversary of NMR. Lewis Kay (UofT) and Lindsay Cahill (MUN), are our invited speakers for this event. Free admission to the Celebration.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 14-15, we will host the 34th MOOT NMR Symposium. Aaron Rossini (Iowa State), Rui Huang (UofG), and Bruce Balcom (UNB) will be our plenary lecturers for the weekend symposium.

Saturday morning will kick off with a keynote speaker, followed by a full day of talks. We will have our poster session in the afternoon, followed by the conference banquet. Sunday morning will open with a keynote lecture, followed by a half day of talks. At the end of the conference, we will announce the best student oral and poster presentations, with cash prizes generously donated by the Suraj Manrao Science Fund and the Canadian Journal of Chemistry.

All talks as well as the Saturday lunch and poster session will be in the Michael DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery (MDCL) building at McMaster University's main campus. The banquet will also be on campus at The Buttery which is downstairs in the Alumni Memorial Hall. Please see the conference maps for further details.

We look forward to seeing you in Hamilton soon!

To learn more about the 65th anniversary of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at McMaster click HERE

Celebration of NMR at McMaster Speakers

October 13th

MOOT 34 Speakers

October 14th & 15th



We are grateful to our sponsors who made this conference possible.

  • bruker
  • mac
  • ACP Chemicals
  • Alegre
  • New Era
  • Suraj Manrao
  • Canadian Science Publishing
  • MR Resources
  • JEOL, Ltd.
  • Magritek
  • McMaster Campus Store
  • Air Liquide

Land Acknowledgement

McMaster University is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishnaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mississauga Nations, and these lands are protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant. That wampum uses the symbolism of a dish to represent the territory, and one spoon to represent that the people are to share the resources of the land - only take what they need and keep the dish clean.

As guests on this land, is it our responsibility to honour and respect this intimate relationship.

Land Acknowledgement

This website was designed and created by Leonardo Della Libera and Karla Martinez Pomier, with the help of the Fourwaves Team.


Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery (MDCL)

1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON Canadá, L8S 4L8

Registration period

August 28, 2023 - 12:00 PM until October 13, 2023 - 11:30 PM

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact nmr@chemistry.mcmaster.ca .

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