
Indicators and Data Effectiveness Assessment to Foster Impactful Innovation Hackathon

Hackathon: IDEA to Innovation

Dates: May 4th to 6th, 2022

Platform: Virtual, through Microsoft Teams

The Policies, Processes and Practices for Performance of Innovation Ecosystems (P4-IE) conference is partnering with Statistics Canada (StatCan) to run a hackathon May 4th to 6th on data indicators and assessment, and would like to invite you to participate!

The objective of this hackathon is to explore how data and indicators could be better leveraged to help government foster impactful innovation. Data and indicators are important considerations in the design, delivery and assessment phases of programs to support business throughout the innovation ecosystem.

Participants of the hackathon are invited to examine how data and indicators could be used or captured at any phase to better inform government initiatives. For example,

1. Design – How could the design of programs be modified to include data capture to facilitate delivery and assessment?;

2. Delivery – How might we use available data to improve the effectiveness of government supports available?

3. Assessment – How might we use available methods or indicators that address the challenges of evaluating a program, such as the existence of multiple or successive supports used, or multiple targeted outcomes?

Hackathon Registration

Registration for the hackathon opens on March 30th and closes on May 3rd. To register for the hackathon, go to Hackathon Campus, StatCan’s home for hackathons on demand, and complete the following steps:

1. Create a Hackathon Campus account.

2. Once your account has been validated, complete your registration for the hackathon IDEA to Innovation, on the home page.

If you have any questions or comments about the hackathon, please contact the Innovation Coordinator (statcan.innovationcoordinator-coorddelinnovation.statcan@canada.ca).

We are committed to a hackathon experience that is inclusive and barrier-free for everyone. Please contact us beforehand, at the email address above, if you have any accommodation requirements.

Hackathon detailed description & Hackathon Schedule Overview

Organized by

  • 4POINT0
  • Canada government

In collaboration with:

  • Statistics Canada (StatCan)
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
  • National Research Council Canada (NRC)
  • Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)


  • Canada Foundation for Innovation
  • Conseil de l'innovation du Québec
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