June 19 to August 21, 2020

Phage Canada (Symposiums Virtuels 2020 Virtual Symposia)


[Le français suit l’anglais] The Phage Canada 2020 Virtual Symposia aim to bring Canadian researchers together from across the country and promote the exchange of ideas in the exciting field of bacteriophage research. The goal of these symposia is to provide a forum for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their findings, and foster interaction between the growing number of Canadian academic, industrial and governmental teams with an interest in the field.

With our aim to showcase the impressive diversity of phage research in Canada, registration exceeded our expectations - 143 of you spanning at least 43 research teams. Thank you all for your enthusiasm! Although registration is now closed, we are may be able to accomodate some additional participants upon request - Email us. The final programme has been set, sent out by email to all participants, and is available to logged-in participants on this site.

Our four Virtual symposia will be held online, through Zoom, on the following dates

  1. June 19th, 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT, "Finding & Characterizing Phages"

  2. July 10th, 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT "Infection & Resistance"

  3. August 7th, 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT "Prophages & Lysogeny"

  4. August 21st, 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT "Phages, Applied"

Talks were being selected from submitted abstracts to represent all labs with submissions, and a subset chosen through a vote by registered participants based on title alone. For this inaugural event, abstract submissions were limited to trainees from Canadian institutions.

A special message to our international colleagues

We are glad to see the event get some exposure, internationally! As this is the inaugural event of the society, we did not promote it publicly prior to registration - everything took place internally, in Canada, through word of mouth. We acknowledge that this unfortunately excludes a lot of people who might wish to attend. However, for a couple of reasons, we have chosen to limit participation to this inaugural meeting. This is in part to make sure we have our feet under us before opening this up to the community at large in future iterations, in part due to logistical barriers. With any luck, this first event will build a foundation from which we can create something that can more easily accommodate an international audience.

However, it was also very important to us to facilitate the creation of a network that has to exist in Canada to address phage research nationally going forward. For this issue more than any other we felt justified (though it pained us) to keep this first meeting strictly Canadian, with a focus on creating the network we have to have in place. We hope you understand, and that, as this grows, we hope to expand!


Les symposiums virtuels 2020 de Phage Canada ont pour mission de rassembler les chercheurs canadiens à travers le pays et promouvoir les échanges d'idées dans le domaine de la recherche sur les bactériophages. Le but de ces symposiums est d'offrir une plateforme pour les étudiants et les chercheurs postdoctoraux afin de présenter les résultats de leur recherche et de favoriser les interactions au sein de notre communauté académique, industrielle et gouvernementale grandissante.

L'inscriptions aux symposiums, pour lesquelles nous souhaitions mettre en valeur la diversité impressionnante de la recherche sur les phages au Canada, a surpassée nos attentes: 143 inscriptions reparties dans au moins 43 équipes de recherches. Merci pour votre enthousiame! Malgré le fait que la période d'inscription soit terminée, nous pouvons peut-etre accomoder votre inscription sur demande - envoyez-nous un courriel. Le programme a été distribué aux participants par courriel, et est aussi disponible ici sur le site aux participants connectés.

Nos 4 symposiums virtuels seront tenus en ligne, sur Zoom, aux dates suivantes :

  1. 19 juin 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT

  2. 10 juillet 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT

  3. 7 août 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT

  4. 21 août 2020, 13:00-15:30 EDT

Les présentations orales ont eté sélectionnées à partir des résumés soumis (limite de 250 mots) pour representer toutes les equipes avec des soumissions, et une certaine partie choisie par un vote des participants inscrits, basé uniquement sur le titre de la présentation. Pour cette première édition, seuls les étudiants/chercheurs affiliés à une institution canadienne ont été invités à soumettre des résumés.


Virtual on Zoom

Registration period

May 15, 2020 - 00:00 until May 29, 2020 - 23:45

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact info.phagecanada@gmail.com .

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