We are particularly grateful to our sponsors, who have made this FREE event possible, and offered additional support for trainees.
Hans W Ackermann
A Canadian pioneer in phage research, founder of the Félix D'Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses, and staunch supporter of phage trainees across the world, Hans Ackermann's passing in 2017 left the world of phages much poorer for it. Funds in his name were offered to help kick-start this trainee-led network, building on his remarkably legacy.
Farncombe Institute
Founded at McMaster University in 2008 through a generous donation by the Farncombe Family, part of its core mandate is fostering trainees. With rising interest in bacteriophages in the context of the gut microbiome, the institute was delighted to support trainees organizing this inaugural series of symposia.
Learn more about the Farncombe here
David Braley Centre for Antibiotic Discovery
Founded at McMaster University in 2019, the Centre builds on McMaster's strengths to lead in international efforts against antimicrobial resistance. Acknowledging that succesfully addressing this crisis requires new approaches, the Directors jumped at the opportunity to help support this nascent Canadian network of Phage research.
Learn more about the DBCAD (Who are hiring 3 Faculty) here.
Based out of Lévis, in Québec, this bioengineering company leverages their expertise in bacteriophages, addressing key challenges in industry - in particular against pathogenic bacteria affecting feedstock. Maintaing close ties to the Canadian Phage research community, they were quick to propose contributing to the success of this event.
Learn more about the company here.
Memorial University School of Graduate Studies
While all schools of graduate studies have as their mission to support graduate students, the MUN SGS has gone above and beyond in supporting trainees elsewhere at remote event - and we are incredibly grateful for it.
Memorial University Faculty of Science
In another show of support from Memorial University in these trying times, the Faculty of Science has also generously agreed to support this event, fostering the exchange of ideas and training of the next generation integral to science.
McMaster Deptartment of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences
As Dr. Hynes will readily attest, the Department of Biochemistry at McMaster consistently goes above-and-beyond, supporting their graduate students. They are once again showing me why all his graduate students go through this program by supporting students elsewhere!
Phagelux utilizes phages, lysins and other biologics and related delivery technologies to create novel antibacterial products and solutions. Phagelux particularly targets anti-microbial resistant pathogens. It has R&D centers in Montreal, Canada and Wuhan, China. The former is focused on bacteriophage products while the latter develops lysin products. Learn more here
The Canadian Society of Microbiologists is unique among our sponsors in that they are the only one that sought us out, rather than the other way around. The society has exemplified a commitment to trainees, and informed Dr. Hynes and Phage Canada's own commitments in that vein.
Check out the society here.